Chapter 1818-8F-18-718.2.2 Installing the System Software (SST -> USB) 0014-4491Color iR C3380G / Color iR C2880G / Color iR C3380i / Color iR C3380 / Color iR C2880i / Color iR C2880 / iR C3480 / iR C3480i / iR C3080i / iR C2550Here, you will be copying the system software from the SST to a USB device.[Preparatory Work]Requirements- PC installed with SST version 3.22 or later- USB device (*)You will not be able to use a security-protected USB device. Be sure to remove the protection before use.[Copying the System Software]1) Start up the PC.2) Connect the USB device to the USB port of the PC.3) Start up the SST.4) Click the USB icon on the Target Selection screen.F-18-85) Select the drive to which the USB device has been connected.*: USB RequirementsInterface USB 1.1 or higher (USB 2.0 or recommended)Capacity 1 GB or more recommended(A set of system software is in excess of 512 MB.)Format FAT (FAT16), FAT32 (It must not be NTFS or HFS.)single partition (There must not be multiple partitions.)CONTROLRegisterd Firms Found FirmRegistered fir mware Fir mware registration completed.>>> Batch Registration ResultsC l i ck a bu t t o n t o exe c u t e .CONNECTCANCELEXITO KRegister Fir mwareDelete Fir mwareDelete Backup DataSystem ManagementService Support Tool DLM0 (Ver.3.22E)BOOTXXxxvXXXXUSenvXXXX >>> RegistSYSTEMXXenvXXXX >>> RegistTTSXXenvXXXX >>> RegistRUIXXenvXXXX >>> RegistLANGUAGEXXxxvXXXX >>> RegistBROWSERModel Configuration Info : UpdateOKXXxxvXXXX >>> RegistDCONXXxxvXXXX >>> RegistMEAPCONT>>> RegistiRC3380RCONXXxxvXXXXiRCXXXXHDFormatXXxxvXXXXKEYXXxcvXXXXXXenvXXXXiRC3380MFPUSBTarget Selection CONTROL Export Firm SelectionMFPUSBc:CANCELEXITSTARTRegister Fir mwareExpor t Fir mwareDelete Fir mwareDelete Backup DataSystem ManagementS e l e c t t h e t a r g e t . C l i ck a bu t t o n t o exe c u t e . S e l e c t t h e d e s t i n a t e d r i ve .Select the destinate drive.SeriesVersionFirmware registration statusService Support Tool DLM0 (Ver.3.22E)