Chapter 44-74.4 Actions when HDD Error4.4.1 E602 in Detail 0013-9213Color iR C3380G / Color iR C2880G / Color iR C3380i / Color iR C3380 / Color iR C2880i / Color iR C2880 / iR C3480 / iR C3480i / iR C3080 / iR C3080i / iRC2550E602-XXYY- if XX='00' T-4-4XX YY Description Remedial action0001The HDD is not recognized. The bootpartition (BOOTDEV) is not found attime of start-up.1. Turn off the main switch, and check the HDD cable. Thereafter, turn on the main switch.2. Check to see if the HDD rotates at power-up. Check to see if 5V/12V power is being supplied.3. If the foregoing fails to correct the fault, replace the HDD and reinstall the system software. If the faultstill persists, replace the main board.02 There is no system software for the mainCPU.1. Start up in safe mode; then, execute full formatting using the SST, reinstall the system software (System,Lang, RUI), and turn off and then on the main switch.2. If the foregoing fails, suspect a fault on the HDD. Replace the HDD, and reinstall the system software.03 WriteAbort has been detected inBootDevice.1. Locate the sector that shows WriteAbort, and repair it.1-1 Go through the following, as service mode cannot be started:1-2 Turn off the power; then, while holding down the 1 and 9 keys, turn on the power so that the WriteAbortsector repair routine will start automatically, causing the screen to go solid black.1-3 Allow for some time (40 to 50 min). A progress indictor will appear. When the screen turns solid white,the repair is over.1-1 Set CHK-TYPE=0, and execute HD-CHECK (40 to 50 min); then, turn off the main switch.2. If the foregoing fails, start up in safe mode, and execute full formatting using the SST and reinstall thesystem software (System, Lang, RUI); then, turn off and then on the main switch.3. If the fault still persists, suspect a fault on the HDD, and replace the HDD and reinstall the systemsoftware.06 The system software of the sub CPU ismissing.1. Start up in safe mode, and execute full formatting using the SST and reinstall the system software(System, Lang, RUI); then, turn off and then on the main switch.2. If the foregoing fails, suspect a fault on the HDD, and replace the HDD and reinstall the system software.07 ICCProfile is missing.1. Start up in safe mode, and execute full formatting using the SST and reinstall the system software(System, Lang, RUI); then, turn off and then on the main switch.2. If the foregoing fails, suspect a fault on the HDD, and replace the HDD and reinstall the system software.XX YYXXCHK-TYPE Partition in question DescriptionYY=03 YY=05YY=00,01,02,04YY=11,21YY=13,25YY=10,12,14,22,23,24At time of start-up During normal operationRemedy Remedy Remedy Remedy Remedy Remedy011FSTDEV image data storage area (e.g., Box) *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *1202 IMG_MNG image management data *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *1203 FSTCDEV image data storage area (for Chasing) *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *12042APL_GEN general-purpose data storage area *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *1205 TMP_GEN general-purpose data storage area (temporary file) *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *1206 TMP_FAX fax (temporary file) *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *1207 TMP_PSS PSS (temporary file) *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *12083 PDLDEV PDL-related file storage area (font, registration form,ICCProfile PDL function color correction informationfile) *1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *12