Chapter 77-53F-7-927.9.8.2 After Replacing the Secondary Transfer Roller 0014-5449Color iR C3380G / Color iR C2880G / Color iR C3380i / Color iR C3380 /Color iR C2880i / Color iR C2880 / iR C3480 / iR C3480i / iR C3080 / iRC3080i / iR C2550Upon replacement to the new secondary transfer outer roller, attachment ofthe rubber component of the secondary transfer roller onto the ITB belt caus-es a white spot image.In order to prevent this, at replacing the secondary transfer outer roller to thenew one, coating of toner onto the surface of the roller is required.When replacing the secondary transfer outer roller, execute the service modebelow:COPIER > FUNCTION > TNR-COATCoating of the Y toner onto the secondary transfer rollerIn case the white spot image occurred after replacing the secondary transferroller, clean the ITB unit.Initial settings / registration > adjustment / cleaning > cleaning within themain body[1][2][2][2][2]