Chapter 1111-45Detail of License FileF-11-6811.1.27 Option for exclusive individual measure 0018-8621Color iR C3380G / Color iR C2880G / Color iR C3380i / Color iR C3380 / Color iR C2880i / Color iR C2880 / iR C3480 / iR C3480i / iR C3080 / iR C3080i / iRC2550-Display Setting of Copy TabMake a setting as to whether to display/hide the copy screen (copy tab) on the control panel. This is the specification for users who want to customize hiding it oncontrol panel.Default value1: displaySetting range, item0: hide 1: displaySetting Procedure1) Startup [SERVICE MODE] (After pressing [USER MODE] button of MEAP device, press [2] button and [8] button at the same time on control panel. Thenby pressing [USER MODE] button again, [SERVICE MODE] screen is displayed).2) Press [COPIER] button.3) Press [Option] button.4) Press [BODY] button.5) Press [<-]or[->] (arrow) button.6) Press [UI-COPY] button.7) Press either 0 (hide) or 1 (display) on control panel (the numerical value input in the field is displayed), and press [OK] button.8) Check to see that it is reflected in setting field, and turn off the main power, and then, turn on the main power.-Error at starting up the MEAP application/Setting to hide JAM screen (level 2)In the case that operation is restricted by MEAP application, hide the warning screen of error/JAM (such as JAM screen, door opening, no-toner). In the case thatthese errors occur, there will be a display indicating 'call the service personnel' etc.Proxy Server Provides functions to store data fetched from remote servers.When a user request to display a web page that has been displayed and stored in the proxy, the proxy server read the stored databut does not access the remote server where the original page is present, for efficient access services. When a proxy server receivesa URL from a PC, it searches the file in the cache and sends it to the PC if the requested file is found. If the requested file is notstored in the cache, it accesses the remote server of the URL to acquire the file and, at the same time, stores the acquired file inthe cache so that the proxy server can quickly send the file at the next request.Terms & Acronyms Definitions and Explanations ! "#$ % &'()(*+ , &'()(*+ , &'()(*+ , &'()(*+ , &'()(% ( , &'()(% ( *+ , &'()(% ( *+ - , &'()(% ( *+ ( , &'()( ( , &'()( ( *+ , './$0123*&)" '445467820$&!' &99:)993(+; 8<'/$#(=.$*;)>?6-8 +&4"+$.2@$ "#: ! 2 2A ) ( %