Parameter List1010.6 C: TuningYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710617 01B YASKAWA AC Drive GA700 Technical Manual 413No.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range) Ref.C3-22(0241)RUNMotor 2 Slip CompDelayTime Adjusts the slip compensation delay time for motor 2 when speed isunstable or when the slip compensation response is too slow.Normally there is no need to change this setting.Determined by E3-01(0 - 10000 ms)651C3-23(0242)RUNMotor 2 SlipCompensationLimit Sets the upper limit for the slip compensation function as apercentage of the motor 2 rated slip.200%(0 - 250%)651C3-24(0243)RUNMotor 2 Slip Comp@ Regen Select Enables or disables slip compensation for motor 2 duringregenerative operation.0 : Disabled1 : Enabled (6 Hz and above)2 : Enabled (compensation provided wherever possible)0(0 - 2)651C3-28(1B5B)Adaptive SlipContrl Mode Select Selects the mode for the slip compensation function.0 : Normal1 : Advance0(0, 1)652◆ C4: Torque CompensationNo.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range) Ref.C4-01(0215)RUNTorqueCompensationGain Sets the gain for the torque compensation function. Sets the gain formotor 1 when multiple motors are driven.Determined by A1-02(0.00 - 2.50)652C4-02(0216)RUNTorqueCompensationDelay Time Sets the torque compensation delay time in milliseconds. Normallythere is no need to change this setting.Determined by A1-02(0 - 60000 ms)653C4-03(0217)TorqueCompensation @FWD Start Sets the amount of torque reference at start in the forward directionas a percentage of the motor rated torque.0.0%(0.0 - 200.0%)653C4-04(0218)TorqueCompensation @REV Start Sets the amount of torque reference at start in the reverse directionas a percentage of the motor rated torque.0.0%(-200.0 - 0.0%)653C4-05(0219)TorqueCompensationTime Sets the starting torque constant used with C4-03 and C4-04[Torque Compensation @ REV Start].10 ms(0 - 200 ms)653C4-06(021A)Motor 2 TorqueComp Delay Time Sets the value if ov [Overvoltage] occurs with sudden changes in theload, at the end of acceleration, or at the start of deceleration.150 ms(0 - 10000 ms)653C4-07(0341)RUNMotor 2 TorqueCompensationGain Sets the motor 2 gain for the torque compensation function whenusing the Motor Switch function.1.00(0.00 - 2.50)654C4-19(0B8D)T-ripple suppressfreq Increase the setting in increments of approximately 1.0 when currentripples and torque ripples occur during low-speed operation. If thisstill does not improve the situation, set C4-19 = 0 to disable thisfunction. Normally there is no need to change this setting.0.1 Hz(0.0 - 10.0 Hz)654C4-20(0BCB)vol compensationadjust 1 This parameter compensates the voltage accuracy. Normally there isno need to change this setting.120(0 - 200)654C4-21(0BCC)vol compensationadjust 2 This parameter compensates the voltage accuracy. Normally there isno need to change this setting.5(0 - 10)654V/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLV