Parameter List1010.9 F: OptionsYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710617 01B YASKAWA AC Drive GA700 Technical Manual 437No.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range) Ref.F6-25(03C9)MECHATROLINKWatchdog ErrorSel Selects the motor operation when E5 [MECHATROLINK WatchdogTimer Err] is detected.0 : Ramp to stop1 : Coast to stop2 : Fast stop (use C1-09)3 : Alarm Only1(0 - 3)739F6-26(03CA)MECHATROLINKbUS ErrorsDetected bUS [Option Communication Error] is detected when the optioncard detects the bUS alarm for a number of times that exceeds thenumber set in F6-26.2 times(2 to 10 times)739F6-30(03CB)PROFIBUS-DPNode Address Sets the node address for PROFIBUS-DP communication. The drivemust be restarted when the setting is changed.0(0 - 125)739F6-31(03CC)PROFIBUS-DPClear Modeselection Selects the operation of the drive after the Clear mode command isreceived.0 : Reset1 : Hold previous state0(0, 1)740F6-32(03CD)PROFIBUS-DPData Format Select Selects the data format of PROFIBUS-DP communication. Thedrive must be restarted when the setting is changed.0 : PPO Type1 : Conventional2 : PPO (bit0)3 : PPO (Enter)4 : Conv (Enter)5 : PPO (bit0,Enter)0(0 - 5)740F6-35(03D0)CANopen Node IDSelection Sets the node address for CANopen communication. The drive mustbe restarted when the setting is changed.Note:Select an address that does not overlap with other nodes. Do notset this parameter to a value of 0. If the parameter is setincorrectly, the ERR on the option card flashes, and the drive willdetect the AEr [Node Address Setting Error] error.0(0 - 126)740F6-36(03D1)CANopenCommunicationSpeed Selects the communications speed for CANopen communication.The drive must be restarted when the setting is changed.0 : Auto-detection1 : 10 kbps2 : 20 kbps3 : 50 kbps4 : 125 kbps5 : 250 kbps6 : 500 kbps7 : 800 kbps8 : 1 Mbps6(0 - 8)740F6-45(02FB)BACnet NodeAddress Sets the node address for BACnet communication.1(0 - 127)741V/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLV