Parameter List1010.11 L: Protection FunctionYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710617 01B YASKAWA AC Drive GA700 Technical Manual 473No.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range) Ref.L7-16(044D)Torque LimitProcess at Start Assigns a time filter to allow the torque limit to build at start.0 : Disabled1 : Enabled1(0, 1)864L7-35(1B57)DeratingTrqLimForLowFreq&Regratn Sets the torque limit used during low-speed regeneration. Normallythere is no need to change this setting.50.00%(0.00 - 200.00%)864L7-36(1B58)Ope Freq band forderatingTrqLim Sets the frequency width at which L7-35 [Derating Trq Lim ForLow Freq & Regeneration] operates.6.00 Hz(0.00 - 30.00 Hz)864◆ L8: Hardware ProtectionNo.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range) Ref.L8-01(04AD)Internal DBResistor Protect Sel Enabled braking resistor protection of the when using an optionalheatsink mounted braking resistor (ERF type, 3% ED).0 : Not Provided1 : Provided0(0, 1)865L8-02(04AE)Overheat AlarmLevel Sets the oH detection level in temperature.Determined by o2-04 and C6-01(50 - 150 °C)865L8-03(04AF)Overheat Pre-Alarm OpeSelection Sets the operation of drives when an oH alarm is detected.0 : Ramp to Stop1 : Coast to Stop2 : Fast-Stop3 : Alarm Only4 : Run@L8-19 Rate3(0 - 4)865L8-05(04B1)Input Phase LossProtect Select Enables or disables input phase loss detection.0 : Disabled1 : Enabled0(0, 1)866L8-07(04B3)Output Phase LossProtect Select Enables or disables the output phase loss detection. Output phaseloss detection is triggered when the output current falls below 5% ofthe drive rated current.Note:Output phase loss detection can mistakenly be triggered in thefollowing situations. Disable output phase loss protection.• The motor rated current is very small compared to the driverating.• Operates PM motors with light loads.0 : Disabled1 : 1PH Loss Det2 : 2/3PH Loss Det0(0 - 2)866L8-09(04B5)Output GroundFault DetectSelect Enables or disables ground fault protection.0 : Disabled1 : EnabledDetermined by o2-04(0, 1)867L8-10(04B6)Heatsink CoolingFan Ope Select Selects the heatsink cooling fan operation.0 : Dur Run (OffDly)1 : Always On2 : Fan ON in heating of Drive0(0 - 2)867V/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLVV/f CL-V/f OLV CLV AOLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM CLV/PM EZOLV