3Com Router Command Reference Guide — V1.00Parametername: ROA name.id: ROA-specified ID which ranges from 0 through 9999. Multiple IDs can be specified.DescriptionUsing the x25 roa-list command, you can configure the ROA list. Using the undo x25roa-list command, you can cancel a ROA list entry.By default, no ROA is defined.Multiple ROAs (0 to 20) can be configured, and multiple IDs (1 to 10) can be specifiedfor each ROA. When an ROA is configured, it can be quoted by name in the x25call-facility or x25 map command.For related commands, see x25 call-facility, x25 map.Example# Define two ROA lists, and then quote the list on serial interfaces 0 and 1.[3Com]x25 roa-list list1 11 23 45[3Com]x25 roa-list list2 345[3Com]interface serial 0[3Com-Serial0]x25 call-facility roa-name list1[3Com]channel interface serial 1[3Com-Serial1]x25 call-facility roa-name list25.1.38 x25 switch svc hunt-groupSyntaxx25 switch svc x.121-address [ sub-dest destination-address ] [ sub-sourcesource-address ] hunt-group hunt-group-nameundo x25 switch svc x.121-address [ sub-dest destination-address ] [ sub-sourcesource-address ] [ hunt-group hunt-group-name ]ViewSystem viewParameterx.121-address: the destination X.121 address. This parameter is the pattern matchingcharacter string with the length ranging 1 to 30 characters. For more details aboutpattern matching, see Table 4-5 and Table 4-6.sub-dest destination-address: the substitute destination address.sub-source source-address: the substitute source address.hunt-group-name: the name of the hunt group.74