3Com Router Command Reference Guide — V1.00one originally configured, that is, part of the originally configured addresses can notbe deleted.For related commands, see dhcp server ip-pool, network, range.Example# Reserve the IP addresses from to They will not be used in theaddress auto-allocation.[Quidway] dhcp server forbidden-ip dhcp server ip-poolSyntaxdhcp server ip-pool pool-nameundo dhcp server ip-pool pool-nameViewSystem viewParameterpool-name: The unique identification of this address pool. It is a character string ornumber, with the length being 1 to 39..DescriptionUsing the dhcp server ip-pool command, you can configure a DHCP address poolor enter the DHCP address pool view. Using the undo dhcp server ip-poolcommand, you can cancel a specified IP address pool.By default, no DHCP address poll is created.When performing the dhcp server ip-pool command for the first time, create anaddress pool with the identifier pool-name and enter the DHCP address pool view.When using this command again, merely enter the DHCP address pool view. Atpresent, each DHCP server can be configured with 1 to 50 address pools.An address pool in the DHCP server is organized in the form of the “tree” structure.The root is the address of the natural segment, the branches are the subnetaddresses of the segment and the leaf nodes are the manually binding clientaddresses. In this tree structure, the subnets (son nodes) inherit the configuration ofthe natural segment (father nodes), the clients (grandson nodes) inherit theconfiguration of the subnets (son nodes). Therefore, for some general parameters,20