User Account Commands | 181Default no passwordMode Global ConfigCommandHistoryUsageInformationThe username and password are not case-sensitive.Six user names can be defined.users snmpv3 accessmodeThis command specifies the SNMP v3 access privileges for the specified login user.Syntax [no] users snmpv3 accessmode username [readonly | readwrite]The username is the login user name for which the specified access mode applies. The default isreadwrite for ‘admin’ user; readonly for all other users.The no version of this command sets the SNMP v3 access privileges for the specified login user asreadwrite for the ‘admin’ user; readonly for all other users. The username is the login user namefor which the specified access mode will apply.Default admin -- readwrite; other -- readonlyMode Global Configusers snmpv3 authenticationThis command specifies the authentication protocol to be used for the specified login user. The validauthentication protocols are none, md5 or sha. If md5 or sha are specified, the user login password isalso used as the snmpv3 authentication password and therefore must be at least eight characters inlength. The username is the login user name associated with the authentication protocol.The no version of this command sets the authentication protocol to be used for the specified login userto none. The username is the login user name for which the specified authentication protocol will beused.Default no authenticationParameters user Enter a string to represent the new user’s name. The name can be up to eightcharacters in length. The name can be comprised of alphanumeric characters,as well as the dash (‘-’) and underscore (‘_’).password password Enter the keyword password, followed by a new password, whichcannot be more than eight alphanumeric characters in length.Passwords can include special characters. As of SFTOS2.5.1.3, the following characters are supported: , . { } |.(period, comma, open bracket, close bracket, bar)Note: If a user is authorized for authentication, or encryption is enabled, thepassword must be at least eight alphanumeric characters in length.Version Modified. Added support in password for some special characters.