System Management Commands | 39The value for ipaddr is the IP Address of the management interface.The value for subnetmask is a 4-digit dotted-decimal number which represents the subnet mask of theinterface.Enter no ip address to remove the IP Address and subnet mask.Mode Interface ManagementEthernet — (Config-if-ma)# prompt within the Global Config modeCommandHistoryRelatedCommandsmac-addressConfigure the MAC address to be used for the management VLAN.Syntax mac-address mac-addressDefault NoneMode Interface ManagementEthernetCommandHistoryRelatedCommandsmac-type Configure the MAC address to be used for the management VLAN.Syntax mac-type {local | burnedin}Default NoneMode Interface ManagementEthernetVersion 2.3 Introduced: Replaces the network parms command for the IP address and subnet maskcomponents of the management route default Sets the IP gateway of the switch.interface managementethernet Invokes the Interface ManagementEthernet mode.ip address (routed) Configures an IP address on a routed interface Displays a summary of statistics for a specific port, includingthe management port, or a count of all CPU traffic based uponthe argument.Version 2.3 Introduced. Replaces the network mac-address route default Sets the IP gateway of the switch.interface managementethernet Invokes the Interface ManagementEthernet mode, the(Config-if-ma)# prompt.