30 | Using the Command Line Interfacew w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mAccess to all commands beyond the User Exec mode can be restricted through the enable password,which you set with the enable passwd command. See enable passwd on page 110.The following table shows the relationship of the command mode names to the prompts visible in themode and the exit method from that mode. The first three rows in the table are organized in thesequence in which you would access the child modes. Beyond the Global Config mode, the modes areeither accessed from the Global Config mode or from the mode listed in the row above.The hostname in the Prompt column is a placeholder for the prompt name that you create using thehostname command. For example, if you use “Speedy”, the User Exec prompt is Speedy>, thePrivileged Exec prompt is Speedy#, and the Global Config prompt is Speedy (Config)#. Fordetails, see Figure 4-2 on page 29 and Mode-based Command Hierarchy on page 31.Note: Previous to Release 2.3, the VLAN mode was accessed from the Privileged Execmode with the command vlan database. Starting in Release 2.3, you access the mode fromthe Global Config mode with the command interface vlan vlanid.Note: Some modes may be unavailable, depending on the installed SFTOS image.Table 4-2. Command ModesCommand Mode Mode Access Method Prompt Exit or Access Previous ModeUser Exec This is the first level of access.Perform basic tasks and listsystem information.hostname > Enter logout.Privileged Exec In the User Exec mode, enterthe enable command.hostname # To exit to the User Exec mode, enter exit orpress Ctrl-Z.Global Config In the Privileged Exec mode,enter the configurecommand.hostname (Config)# To exit to the Privileged Exec mode, enter theexit command, or press Ctrl-Z to switch tothe User Exec mode.Class Map In the Global Config mode,enter the class-mapcommandhostname (Config-classmap)# To exit to the Global Config mode, enter theexit command. To return to the User Execmode, enter Ctrl-Z.DHCP Pool Config In the Global Config mode,enter the ip dhcp poolpool-name command.hostname (Config-dhcp-pool)# To exit to the Global Config mode, enter theexit command. To return to the User Execmode, enter Ctrl-ZInterface Config In the Global Config mode,enter the interface unit/slot/port command.hostname (Interface "if number")# To exit to the Global Config mode, enter theexit command. To return to the User Execmode, enter Ctrl-Z.Interface PortChannel ConfigIn the Global Config mode,enter the interface portchannel port>command.hostname (Interface "if-po-number")#To exit to the Global Config mode, enter theexit command. To return to the User Execmode, enter Ctrl-Z.Interface Range In the Global Config mode,enter the interface rangerange command.hostname (conf-if-range-range)#,where range consists of thespecified interface range. Forexample, for VLANs 100–200,the prompt is hostname(conf-if-range-vl-100-200)#To exit to the Global Config mode, enter theexit command. To return to the User Execmode, enter Ctrl-Z.The Ethernet Range mode, Port Channelmode, and VLAN Range mode are the threechild modes of the Interface Range mode.The exit command returns you to theInterface Range mode.