BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65517, internal linkMember of peer-group test for session parametersBGP version 4, remote router ID state ESTABLISHED, in this state for 00:19:15Last read 00:00:15, last write 00:00:06Hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 secondsReceived 52 messages, 0 notifications, 0 in queueSent 45 messages, 5 notifications, 0 in queueReceived 6 updates, Sent 0 updatesRoute refresh request: received 0, sent 0Minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 secondsMinimum time before advertisements start is 0 secondsCapabilities received from neighbor for IPv4 Unicast :MULTIPROTO_EXT(1)ROUTE_REFRESH(2)CISCO_ROUTE_REFRESH(128)Capabilities advertised to neighbor for IPv4 Unicast :MULTIPROTO_EXT(1)ROUTE_REFRESH(2)CISCO_ROUTE_REFRESH(128)fall-over enabledUpdate source set to Loopback 0Peer active in peer-group outbound optimizationFor address family: IPv4 UnicastBGP table version 52, neighbor version 524 accepted prefixes consume 16 bytesPrefix advertised 0, denied 0, withdrawn 0Connections established 6; dropped 5Last reset 00:19:37, due to Reset by peerNotification History'Connection Reset' Sent : 5 Recv: 0Local host:, Local port: 65519Foreign host:, Foreign port: 179Dell#To verify that fast fall-over is enabled on a peer-group, use the show ip bgp peer-group command (shown in bold).Dell#sh ip bgp peer-groupPeer-group testfall-over enabledBGP version 4Minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 secondsFor address family: IPv4 UnicastBGP neighbor is testNumber of peers in this group 1Peer-group members (* - outbound optimized):*Dell#router bgp 65517neighbor test peer-groupneighbor test fall-overneighbor test no shutdownneighbor remote-as 65517neighbor fall-overneighbor update-source Loopback 0200 Border Gateway Protocol IPv4 (BGPv4)