5 Configure the Application Priority TLVs that advertise on unconfigured interfaces with a manual port-role.PROTOCOL LLDP mode[no] advertise DCBx-appln-tlv {fcoe | iscsi}• fcoe: enables the advertisement of FCoE in Application Priority TLVs.• iscsi: enables the advertisement of iSCSI in Application Priority TLVs.The default is Application Priority TLVs are enabled and advertise FCoE and iSCSI.NOTE: To disable TLV transmission, use the no form of the command; for example, no advertise DCBx-appln-tlv iscsi.6 Configure the FCoE priority advertised for the FCoE protocol in Application Priority TLVs.PROTOCOL LLDP mode[no] fcoe priority-bits priority-bitmapThe priority-bitmap range is from 1 to FF.The default is 0x8.7 Configure the iSCSI priority advertised for the iSCSI protocol in Application Priority TLVs.PROTOCOL LLDP mode[no] iscsi priority-bits priority-bitmapThe priority-bitmap range is from 1 to FF.The default is 0x10.DCBx Error MessagesThe following syslog messages appear when an error in DCBx operation occurs.LLDP_MULTIPLE_PEER_DETECTED: DCBx is operationally disabled after detecting more than one DCBxpeer on the port interface.LLDP_PEER_AGE_OUT: DCBx is disabled as a result of LLDP timing out on a DCBx peer interface.DSM_DCBx_PEER_VERSION_CONFLICT: A local port expected to receive the IEEE, CIN, or CEE versionin a DCBx TLV from a remote peer but received a different, conflicting DCBx version.DSM_DCBx_PFC_PARAMETERS_MATCH and DSM_DCBx_PFC_PARAMETERS_MISMATCH: A local DCBx port receiveda compatible (match) or incompatible (mismatch) PFC configuration from a peer.DSM_DCBx_ETS_PARAMETERS_MATCH and DSM_DCBx_ETS_PARAMETERS_MISMATCH: A local DCBx port receiveda compatible (match) or incompatible (mismatch) ETS configuration from a peer.LLDP_UNRECOGNISED_DCBx_TLV_RECEIVED: A local DCBx port received an unrecognized DCBx TLV froma peer.Debugging DCBx on an InterfaceTo enable DCBx debug traces for all or a specific control paths, use the following command.• Enable DCBx debugging.EXEC PRIVILEGE modedebug DCBx {all | auto-detect-timer | config-exchng | fail | mgmt | resource | sem | tlv}278 Data Center Bridging (DCB)