You must specify at least local authentication. For consistency, the best practice is to define the same authentication method listacross all lines, in the same order of comparison; for example VTY and console port.You could also use the default authentication method to apply to all the LINES; for example, console port and VTY.NOTE: The authentication method list must be in the same order as the authorization method list. For example, if youconfigure the authentication method list in the following order—TACACS+, local—Dell Networking recommendsconfiguring the authorization method list in the same order—TACACS+, local.4 Specify the authorization method list—RADIUS, TACACS+, or Local. At a minimum, you must specify local authorization.For consistency, the best practice is to define the same authorization method list across all lines, in the same order of comparison; forexample, VTY and console port.You could also use the default authorization method list to apply to all the LINES—console port, VTY.If you do not, the following error displays when you attempt to enable role-based only AAA authorization:% Error: Exec authorization must be applied to more than one line to be useful, e.g. consoleand vty lines. Could use default authorization method list as alternative.5 Verify the configuration is applied to the console or VTY line.Dell (conf)#do show running-config line!line console 0login authentication testauthorization exec testexec-timeout 0 0line vty 0login authentication testauthorization exec testline vty 1login authentication testauthorization exec testTo enable role-based only AAA authorization, enter the following command in Configuration mode:Dell(conf)#aaa authorization role-onlySystem-Defined RBAC User RolesBy default, the Dell Networking OS provides 4 system defined user roles. You can create up to 8 additional user roles.NOTE: You cannot delete any system defined roles.The system defined user roles are as follows:• Network Operator (netoperator) - This user role has no privilege to modify any configuration on the switch. You can access Exec mode(monitoring) to view the current configuration and status information.• Network Administrator (netadmin): This user role can configure, display, and debug the network operations on the switch. You canaccess all of the commands that are available from the network operator user role. This role does not have access to the commandsthat are available to the system security administrator for cryptography operations, AAA, or the commands reserved solely for thesystem administrator.• Security Administrator (secadmin): This user role can control the security policy across the systems that are within a domain or networktopology. The security administrator commands include FIPS mode enablement, password policies, inactivity timeouts, bannerestablishment, and cryptographic key operations for secure access paths.• System Administrator (sysadmin). This role has full access to all the commands in the system, exclusive access to commands thatmanipulate the file system formatting, and access to the system shell. This role can also create user IDs and user roles.The following summarizes the modes that the predefined user roles can access.Role ModesSecurity 823