exec-timeout 0 0access-class testpermit ipv4access-class testv6deny ipv6!Configuring Login Authentication for Terminal LinesYou can use any combination of up to six authentication methods to authenticate a user on a terminal line.A combination of authentication methods is called a method list. If the user fails the first authentication method, Dell Networking OSprompts the next method until all methods are exhausted, at which point the connection is terminated. The available authenticationmethods are:enable Prompt for the enable password.line Prompt for the password you assigned to the terminal line. Configure a password for the terminal line to which youassign a method list that contains the line authentication method. Configure a password using the passwordcommand from LINE mode.local Prompt for the system username and password.none Do not authenticate the user.radius Prompt for a username and password and use a RADIUS server to authenticate.tacacs+ Prompt for a username and password and use a TACACS+ server to authenticate.1 Configure an authentication method list. You may use a mnemonic name or use the keyword default. The default authenticationmethod for terminal lines is local and the default method list is empty.CONFIGURATION modeaaa authentication login {method-list-name | default} [method-1] [method-2] [method-3][method-4] [method-5] [method-6]2 Apply the method list from Step 1 to a terminal line.CONFIGURATION modelogin authentication {method-list-name | default}3 If you used the line authentication method in the method list you applied to the terminal line, configure a password for the terminal line.LINE modepasswordExample of Terminal Line AuthenticationIn the following example, VTY lines 0-2 use a single authentication method, line.Dell(conf)#aaa authentication login myvtymethodlist lineDell(conf)#line vty 0 2Dell(config-line-vty)#login authentication myvtymethodlistDell(config-line-vty)#password myvtypasswordDell(config-line-vty)#show configline vty 0password myvtypasswordlogin authentication myvtymethodlistline vty 1password myvtypasswordlogin authentication myvtymethodlistline vty 2password myvtypasswordlogin authentication myvtymethodlistDell(config-line-vty)#82 Management