8-34 Frame Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 011 Logical channels must be lower than the lowest LCNs assigned to any subscribers on theports in the PVC configuration.2 16, 32, 64 ,128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Cannot be greater than the smallerMaximum Packet Size specified on the ports for both ends of the connection.3 Cannot be greater than the smaller Maximum Window Size specified on the ports forboth ends of the connection.Connection Priorityprioritizes this connection for intra-nodal traffic; the higher the number, the higher thepriority. (This priority has no effect on traffic exiting a node.)Priorities are configured on all logical interfaces that use a physical frame relay port.The device processor in the node uses these priorities to help determine the order inwhich it will process protocols.When configuring priorities, be careful to consider the types oftraffic being routed on other connections in the FRM.Subscriber Nameidentifies the subscriber to the console operator. The software does not use this infor-mation.Logical Channelis a logical link between the node and the subscriber. The physical line may have anumber of logical channels. An LCN assigned to a port in a PVC must be lower thanthe lowest LCN specified for any SVC subscriber on the same port.RLPidentifies the RLP that contains the port specified for the next parameter.Portspecifies the port at each end of the PVC.Packet Sizeallows setting a packet size for each end of the PVC. Generally the same packet sizewill be configured on the port at each end, as well as in the PVC.Window Sizeallows setting a window size for each end of the PVC. Generally the same window sizewill be configured on the port at each end, as well as in the PVC.Port 0–7 0Packet Size 128–4096 2 128Window Size 1–7 3 2Table 8-5 X.25 PVC ParametersParameter Valid Values Default Value