Configuring SNA 9-29will be added together with all other path costs on a link between bridges. The totalwill then be compared to other total path costs to determine the least "expensive" end-to-end path.Priorityprioritizes intra-nodal traffic; the higher the number, the higher the priority. (This pri-ority has no effect on traffic exiting a node.)Priorities are configured on all logical interfaces that use a physical frame relay port.The device processor in the node uses these priorities to help determine the order inwhich it will process protocols.When configuring priorities, be careful to consider the types oftraffic being routed on other connections in the node.LAN Cardidentifies the LAN card, as defined in PROTOCOL.INI ([A], [C], [B] from the MainMenu).RLP/Portidentifies the RLP and physical port containing the interface.Make sure the physical frame relay port is not reserved forbackup DLCIs (as determined by the For Backup Use Only?parameter in the port record—see page 7-17).DLCImatches the connection with an interface at the remote end of the link.Make sure the DLCI is not part of a frame relay DLCI backupgroup or frame relay PVC.Formatis the RFC1490 encapsulation method used for LLC2 traffic.Avoid configuring parallel Bridge/LLC2 frame relay linksbetween two FRM devices if one path is in native LLC2 formatand the other in some other format. Since the same interfaces areused for both protocols and the spanning tree will eliminate dualpaths for bridged traffic only, a loop can be created, causing anode failure.Bandwidth Allocation Groupassigns the interface to one of sixteen groups whose parameters regulate bandwidthusage. See "Configuring Bandwidth Allocation Groups" on page 7-6.