Configuring IP 13-11Bandwidth Allocation Groupassigns the IP interface to one of sixteen groups whose parameters regulate bandwidthusage. See "Configuring Bandwidth Allocation Groups" on page 7-6.Interface Typespecifies the physical interface over which this IP interface will run.Descriptions of Parameters Specific to Frame Relay InterfacesSource Card/Port/DLCIidentifies the physical and logical interface of this end of the frame relay link.Make sure the physical frame relay port is not reserved forbackup DLCIs (as determined by the For Backup Use Only?parameter in the port record).Also make sure this DLCI is not configured as a Frame RelayBackup DLCI or as part of an intra-nodal frame relay PVC.Enable Inverse ARPallows (if Y) the frame relay interface to be configured without specifying a desti-nation IP address. Once the frame relay interface and its DLCI become active, the IPfunction in the FRM sends an Inverse ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requestover the interface. The response will contain the destination IP address, allowing theIP interface to become active.If an ARP request from the SmartSwitch 1800 receives no response within 5 seconds,the request will be resent every 5 seconds, up to 5 times. After the 5th attempt, a 30-second timer will start, after which the re-send sequence will be repeated.If Enable Inverse ARP is changed from N to Y, the FRM will immediately generate anInverse ARP request.If this parameter is set to N, a Destination IP Address (see next entry) must be con-figured.Destination IP Addressis the IP address of the end-to-end receiver for point-to-point frame relay connections.The valid range of values guarantees that you cannot configure all 0s or all 1s for anetwork ID, node ID, or subnet ID. (See page 13-1.)Unnumbered Interfaceallows the point-to-point frame relay interface to be configured without specifying asource IP address. If Y, the address of the lowest IP interface number (not the lowestaddress, but the number, in the range 0–256, that identifies the interface) in the FRMis used as a default source IP address. (It does not matter what type that interface is.)All un-numbered interfaces on the FRM use the same default address.If a new interface with a lower number is added, that interface’s address will becomethe new default source IP address, but only after the next IPL of the FRM.Naturally, this feature works only if there is at least one numbered interface in thedevice. If there are none, all un-numbered interfaces remain disabled. Once a num-bered interface is added, all un-numbered interfaces will become active.Source IP Address