18-2 Frame Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01Remote Control from an FRM1. Press [A] at the On-Line Node Operations Menu (or [B], [A], [A] from the MainMenu) of the controlling node. When prompted, enter a Remote Control ID andRemote Control ID Password, configured in Node Defaults ([A], [A] from the MainMenu) on the node you want to control.2. When prompted to press any key to continue, press [Enter].3. The remote ID (Node Name ) is displayed as wait during Call Request processing.If a Call Accept is not received in the time specified by the X.25 parameter T21Incoming Call Timer, the remote ID is displayed as the Node Name configured inNode Defaults on the local node. Once the connection is successful, the displayedremote ID becomes the Remote Control ID specified for the controlled node.4. When asked: Are you a PAD user?, type n [Enter].5. When prompted, enter the password of the controlled node. The display at thecontrolled node will say: Under remote control. Keyboard blocked by id = "n." TheMain Menu at the controlling node will act as the Main Menu of the controllednode, and the displayed remote ID is the ID of the controlled node.Rebooting the Remote NodeBefore rebooting, notify all users of this node, since all connec-tions on all ports will be cleared.To reboot a node under remote control, follow this procedure at the controlling node:1. Press [F10] .2. When asked: Remote reboot the node?, press [Y].3. Press [F9] to return to local control.Exiting Remote ControlPress [F9] to stop remote control. When asked: Stop remote control?, press [Y]. Bothnodes will now be under local control. The local FRM, and the remote device (if it hasa local video device), will be logged out to the Port Status Display. From there, theoperator must log in to perform menu operations.If either the controlling or the controlled node detects that the remote control linkfailed during a remote session, remote control will be terminated and each terminal'slocal main menu will be displayed.