Glossary glo-9Internetis an interconnected group of packet-switching networks, joined by gateways sup-porting the TCP/IP protocol. The term also refers to the DARPA (Defense AdvancedProjects Research Agency) Internet.Internet Protocolis the Internet standard protocol that defines the datagram as the basic unit of datatransmitted across the internet.IPstands for “internet protocol.”IPLstands for “initial program load,” which is the loading into a node of the operatingsoftware on power-on or re-boot.IPXstands for “Internetwork Packet Exchange,” which is a Novell NetWare connec-tionless protocol that defines internetwork and intranode addressing schemes.LLANstands for “local area network,” which is a network operating over short distances athigh speeds.LCNstands for “logical channel number,” which is used as an identifier for a virtual circuitbetween a DTE and a DCE.Level 2is the link layer in the ISO (International Standards Organization) 7-layer OSI (OpenSystems Interconnect) reference model.Level 3is the packet layer in the OSI reference model.Line Interface Cardis a four-port “daughter” card attached to an RLP, and containing the components thatsupport a hardware interface: RS-232/V.28, V.35, RS-422/V.11, T1, or E1.LLCstands for “logical link control,” which is the third layer in the three-layer ISO LANprotocol hierarchy. (The first two layers are Physical and MAC; MAC is described inthis glossary.) LLC is responsible for addressing and data link control.LLC2is a type of LLC that requires establishment of a connection before information can beexchanged. (The other type of LLC is LLC1, which does not require a connection.)