806f050c-2b840016 Memory Logging Limit Reached for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem[MemoryElementName].Explanation: IMM has reported that the Memory Logging Limit has been Reached on DIMM 22 in Compute Book 4.May also be shown as 806f050c2b840016 or 0x806f050c2b840016Severity: WarningAlert Category: Warning - MemoryServiceable: YesCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0144SNMP Trap ID: 43Automatically notify Support: YesUser response: This is a UEFI detected event. The UEFI diagnostic code for this event can be found in the loggedIMM message text. Please refer to the UEFI diagnostic code in the "UEFI diagnostic code" section of the Info Centerfor the appropriate user response.Related Links:v “Finding the UEFI (POST) error code” on page 1666806f050c-2b840017 Memory Logging Limit Reached for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem[MemoryElementName].Explanation: IMM has reported that the Memory Logging Limit has been Reached on DIMM 23 in Compute Book 4.May also be shown as 806f050c2b840017 or 0x806f050c2b840017Severity: WarningAlert Category: Warning - MemoryServiceable: YesCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0144SNMP Trap ID: 43Automatically notify Support: YesUser response: This is a UEFI detected event. The UEFI diagnostic code for this event can be found in the loggedIMM message text. Please refer to the UEFI diagnostic code in the "UEFI diagnostic code" section of the Info Centerfor the appropriate user response.Related Links:v “Finding the UEFI (POST) error code” on page 1666806f050c-2b840016 • 806f050c-2b8400171012 System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839: Installation and Service Guide