Finding the UEFI (POST) error codeThis topic provides information about how to locate the UEFI/POST error code.Several methods are available to help you locate the UEFI/POST error code basedon the systems-management platform you are using or if you are viewing testresults generated by the DSA Preboot diagnostic program.Note: Not all events have a UEFI (POST) error code associated with the event.Table 67. Finding the UEFI (POST) error codeInterface to the UEFI (POST) error code ActionLogged on to the IMM web interface 1. Open the Events menu and click EventLog.2. Click more next to the event messageand locate the UEFI (POST) error code.Viewing the DSA Preboot diagnosticprogram test results 1. Go to the Event log.2. Scroll to the right and look in theAuxillary Data Column to find the UEFI(POST) error code.D.3108002 [D.3108002]Explanation: Backup GPT corruption recoveredSeverity: InfoUser response: Complete the following steps:1. No user action required for this event. This is for informational purposes only.I.11002 [I.11002]Explanation: A processor mismatch has been detected between one or more processors in the system. One or MoreMismatched Processors DetectedSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. This message could occur with messages about other Processor configuration problems. Resolve those messagesfirst.2. If the problem persists, ensure that matching processors are installed (i.e., matching option part numbers, etc)3. Verify that the Processor’s are installed in the correct sockets according to the service information for thisproduct. If not, correct that problem.4. Check IBM support site for an applicable service bulletin or UEFI firmware update that applies to this Processorerror.5. (Trained Service technician only) Replace mismatching processor. Inspect Processor socket and replace thecompute book first if socket is damaged.D.3108002 • I.110021666 System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839: Installation and Service Guide