W.58001 [W.58001]Explanation: The PFA Threshold limit (correctable error logging limit) has been exceeded on DIMM number % ataddress %. MC5 Status contains % and MC5 Misc contains %. DIMM PFA Threshold ExceededSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. If the node has recently been installed, moved, serviced, or upgraded, verify that the DIMM is properly seatedand visually verify that there is no foreign material in any DIMM connector on that memory channel. If either ofthese conditions is found, correct and retry with the same DIMM. (Note: Event Log may contain a recent 00580A4event denoting detected change in DIMM population that could be related to this problem.)2. Check IBM support site for an applicable firmware update that applies to this memory error. The release noteswill list the known problems the update addresses. Also, check IBM support site for an applicable ServiceBulletins (Service bulletins) that applies to this memory error. (Link to IBM support service bulletins)3. If the previous steps do not resolve the problem, at the next maintenance opportunity, swap the DIMMs on thesame memory channel one at a time to a different memory channel or Processor. (check service information forthis product/Install guide for population requirements for sparing/paring modes). If PFA follows a moved DIMMto any DIMM connector on the different memory channel, replace the moved DIMM. If this is a flash DIMM,make sure it is still under warranty before replacing it.4. If problem continues to re-occur on the same DIMM connector, inspect DIMM connector for foreign material andremove, if found. If connector is damaged, replace the compute book.5. (Trained service technician only) Remove affected Processor and inspect Processor socket pins for damaged ormis-aligned pins. If damage is found or Processor is an upgrade part, replace the compute book.6. (Trained Service technician only) Replace affected processor.W.58002 [W.58002]Explanation: Memory spare copy failed. Spare Copy FailedSeverity: InfoUser response: Complete the following steps:1. Check system log for related DIMM failures and replace those DIMMs.W.58007 [W.58007]Explanation: Invalid memory configuration (Unsupported DIMM Population) detected. Please verify memoryconfiguration is valid. Unsupported DIMM PopulationSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. Could follow an uncorrectable memory error or failed memory test. Check log and service that event first.DIMMs disabled by other errors or actions could cause this event.2. Ensure that the DIMM connectors are populated according to the guidelines in the service information for thisproduct for the memory mode you are running.Related Links:v “Installing a memory module” on page 47W.58001 • W.58007Appendix C. UEFI/POST error codes 1685