S.58008 [S.58008]Explanation: A DIMM has failed the POST memory test. DIMM Failed Memory TestSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. You must AC-cycle the system to re-enable affected DIMM connector or re-enable manually using F1 setup2. If the node has been recently installed, serviced, moved, or upgraded, check to ensure that DIMMs are firmlyseated and that no foreign material can be seen in the DIMM connector. If either condition is observed, correctand retry with the same DIMM. (Note: Event Log may contain a recent 00580A4 event denoting detected changein DIMM population that could be related to this problem.)3. If problem persists, replace the DIMM identified by LightPath and/or event log entry. If this is a flash DIMM,make sure it is still under warranty before replacing it.4. If problem re-occurs on the same DIMM connector, swap the other DIMMs on the same memory channel acrosschannels one at a time to a different memory channel or Processor. (check service information for thisproduct/Install guide for population requirements for sparing/paring modes). If problem follows a moved DIMMto a different memory channel, replace that DIMM. If this is a flash DIMM, make sure it is still under warrantybefore replacing it.5. Check IBM support site for an applicable service bulletin or firmware update that applies to this memory error.6. If problem stays with the original DIMM connector, re-inspect DIMM connector for foreign material and remove,if found. If connector is damaged, replace compute book.7. (Trained service technician only) Remove affected Processor and inspect Processor socket pins for damaged ormis-aligned pins. If damage is found, or this is an upgrade Processor, replace the compute book. If there aremultiple Processor’s, swap Processor’s to move affected Procesor to another Processor socket and retry. If problemfollows the affected Processor (or there is only one Processor), replace the affected Processor.S.58009 [S.58009]Explanation: All DIMMs have been disabled and the system will be unable to boot until this is corrected. All DIMMSlots DisabledSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. Check system log for related DIMM failures and replace those DIMMs.S.68005 [S.68005]Explanation: An error has been detected by the the IIO core logic on Bus %. The Global Fatal Error Status registercontains %. The Global Non-Fatal Error Status register contains %. Please check error logs for the presence ofadditional downstream device error data. Critical IOH-PCI ErrorSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. Check IBM support site for an applicable service bulletin or firmware update for the system or adapter thatapplies to this error.2. Check log for a separate error for an associated PCIe device and service that error.3. Replace the I/O book reported in the error.4. Replace the compute book reported in the error.S.58008 • S.68005Appendix C. UEFI/POST error codes 1679