What your server offersUse this information to get an overview of the server functions, features,capabilities, and technologies.The server uses the following features and technologies:v Active Energy ManagerThe IBM Active Energy Manager solution is an IBM Systems Director extensionthat measures and reports server power consumption as it occurs. This enablesyou to monitor power consumption in correlation to specific softwareapplication programs and hardware configurations. You can obtain themeasurement values through the systems-management interface and view them,using IBM Systems Director. For more information, including the required levelsof IBM Systems Director and Active Energy Manager, see the IBM SystemsDirector documentation on the IBM Systems Director DVD, or seehttp://www.ibm.com/systems/management.v Dynamic System Analysis (DSA)The server comes with the IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) Prebootdiagnostic program stored in the integrated USB memory on the server. DSAcollects and analyzes system information to aid in diagnosing server problems,as well as offering a rich set of diagnostic tests of the major components of theserver. DSA creates a DSA log, which is a chronologically ordered merge of thesystem-event log (as the IPMI event log), the integrated management module(IMM) event log (as the ASM event log), and the operating-system event logs.You can send the DSA log as a file to IBM Support or view the information as atext file or HTML file.Two editions of Dynamic System Analysis are available: DSA Portable and DSAPreboot. For more information about both editions, see “DSA editions” on page174.v Features on Demand software Ethernet supportThe server provides Features on Demand software Ethernet support. You canpurchase a Features on Demand software upgrade activation key for FiberChannel over Ethernet and iSCSI storage protocols that is provided through theEthernet controller. For more information, see “Enabling Features on DemandEthernet software” on page 146.v Features on Demand software RAID supportThe server provides Features on Demand software RAID support for RAIDlevels 5, 6, 50, and 60 upgrade. Features on Demand software RAID upgrade isintegrated into the integrated management module II (IMM2). For moreinformation, see “Enabling Features on Demand RAID software” on page 146.v FlexNode SupportThe IBM System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 server provides support forreconfiguring a multinode server into two independent, stand-alone servers, alsoknown as FlexNode. When FlexNode support is enabled, each scalable partitioncan support its own independent operating-system installation. Each scalablepartition has its own local resources as an independent server, and cannot accessthe resources or boot the operating system of another stand-alone server whileFlexNode is enabled. The FlexNode is a feature of the Integrated ManagementModule II (IMM2).For additional information, see “Configuring a multinode system” on page 135.v IBM ServerGuide Setup and Installation DVDChapter 1. The IBM System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839 server 13