8007021b-0304ffff Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state.Explanation: IMM has reported a microprocessor 4 QPI Link Error.May also be shown as 8007021b0304ffff or 0x8007021b0304ffffSeverity: ErrorAlert Category: Critical - OtherServiceable: YesCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0522SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: This is a UEFI detected event. The UEFI diagnostic code for this event can be found in the loggedIMM message text. Please refer to the UEFI diagnostic code in the "UEFI diagnostic code" section of the Info Centerfor the appropriate user response.Related Links:v “Finding the UEFI (POST) error code” on page 166680070221-0b0affff Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state.Explanation: IMM has detected an Over Temperature Condition for the ML2 adapter.May also be shown as 800702210b0affff or 0x800702210b0affffSeverity: ErrorAlert Category: Critical - OtherServiceable: YesCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0522SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Complete the following steps until problem is solved:1. Check the IMM event log for any fan or cooling related issues.2. Make sure that the airflow at the front and rear of the server is not obstructed and that fillers are in place andcorrectly installed.3. Make sure that the room temperature is within operating specifications.4. Check IBM Support site for Service Bulletins/RETAIN tips related to an ML2 Fault Condition.Related Links:v “Server features and specifications” on page 78007021b-0304ffff • 80070221-0b0affff592 System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839: Installation and Service Guide