System nameSystem status Check-markabove 2 indicatessystem is booting fromalternative UEFI bank.Network iconThis shows a systemsupporting fourEthernet ports.If the numbers areflashing, the portsare activeUEFI\POST codeSystem statusIBM x3850 X6When you navigate through the hierarchy of the menu options on the LCD systeminformation display panel, the display panel shows the information for that optionand the up and down arrows appear on the side of the display panel. When youget to the bottom of the hierarchy of the menu options, only the up arrow will beavailable. When you are at the top of the hierarchy of the menu options, only thedown arrow will be available.For the errors submenu set, if only one error occurs, the LCD display panel willdisplay that error. If more than one error occurs, the LCD display panel displaysthe number of errors that have occurred. If no errors occur, the no error menu willbe available for navigation.To move within the menu options, use the Scroll up or Scroll down buttons, thenthe Select button to enter a submenu set.The LCD system information display panel displays the following types ofinformation about the server:v IMM system error log (SEL)Note: The Scroll Down button will only function for this menu option if errorshave occurred. A list of current errors reported by the system will be displayed.To see the system error log (SEL) and get the complete list of errors, go to theIMM web page ( see “Logging on to the IMM web interface” on page 141).v System VPD information:– Machine type and serial number– Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) stringv System firmware levels:– UEFI code level– IMM code level– pDSA code levelv IMM network information:– IMM hostname– IMM dedicated MAC addressNote: Only the MAC address that is currently in use is displayed (dedicatedor shared)– IMM shared MAC address– IP v4 information– IP v6 addressChapter 1. The IBM System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839 server 29