816f0a0c-2b810007 An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] onSubsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: The Over Temperature Condition for Memory on DIMM 7 in Compute Book 1 has been deasserted.May also be shown as 816f0a0c2b810007 or 0x816f0a0c2b810007Severity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - TemperatureServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0147SNMP Trap ID: 0Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.816f0a0c-2b810008 An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] onSubsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: The Over Temperature Condition for Memory on DIMM 8 in Compute Book 1 has been deasserted.May also be shown as 816f0a0c2b810008 or 0x816f0a0c2b810008Severity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - TemperatureServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0147SNMP Trap ID: 0Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.816f0a0c-2b810009 An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] onSubsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: The Over Temperature Condition for Memory on DIMM 9 in Compute Book 1 has been deasserted.May also be shown as 816f0a0c2b810009 or 0x816f0a0c2b810009Severity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - TemperatureServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0147SNMP Trap ID: 0Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.816f0a0c-2b810007 • 816f0a0c-2b8100091632 System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839: Installation and Service Guide