8107020c-2581ffff Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical.Explanation: IMM has reported a SMI Lane Failed has deasserted.May also be shown as 8107020c2581ffff or 0x8107020c2581ffffExplanation: This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected a Sensor transition to lesssevere from critical.May also be shown as 8107020c2581ffff or 0x8107020c2581ffffSeverity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - OtherServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0523SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.User response: SMI Lane Failed :8107020d-2582ffff Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical.Explanation: This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected a Sensor transition to lesssevere from critical.May also be shown as 8107020d2582ffff or 0x8107020d2582ffffSeverity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - OtherServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0523SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: RAID Vol State :8107020f-2201ffff Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical.Explanation: The IMM has reported a Drive Key Fault or TXT ACM Module fault has deassertedMay also be shown as 8107020f2201ffff or 0x8107020f2201ffffSeverity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - OtherServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0523SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.8107020c-2581ffff • 8107020f-2201ffff1284 System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839: Installation and Service Guide