S.3050007 [S.3050007]Explanation: A firmware fault has been detected in the UEFI image. Internal UEFI Firmware Fault Detected, SystemhaltedSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. Check IBM support site for an applicable service bulletin or firmware update that applies to this error.2. Reflash UEFI image.3. Replace the standard I/O book.S.3058004 [S.3058004]Explanation: A Three Strike boot failure has occurred. The system has booted with default UEFI settings. POSTfailure has occurred! System booted with default settings.Severity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. Original UEFI settings are still present. If customer desires to continue using the original settings, select SaveSettings.2. If User did not intentionally trigger the reboots, check logs for probable cause. For example, if there is a batteryfault event, follow the steps to resolve that event.3. Undo recent system changes (settings or devices added). Verify that the system boots. Then, re-install options oneat a time to locate the problem.4. Check IBM support site for an applicable service bulletin or firmware update that applies to this error. UpdateUEFI firmware if applicable.5. Remove and re-install CMOS battery for 30 seconds to clear CMOS contents. If it boots successfully, then restoresystem settings.6. Replace the standard I/O book.S.3060007 [S.3060007]Explanation: A firmware fault has been detected in the UEFI image. Internal UEFI Firmware Fault Detected, SystemhaltedSeverity: ErrorUser response: Complete the following steps:1. Check IBM support site for an applicable service bulletin or firmware update that applies to this error.2. Reflash UEFI image.3. Replace the standard I/O book.S.3050007 • S.30600071676 System x3850 X6 and x3950 X6 Types 3837 and 3839: Installation and Service Guide