816f0a0c-2b83000e An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] onSubsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: The Over Temperature Condition for Memory on DIMM 14 in Compute Book 3 has been deasserted.May also be shown as 816f0a0c2b83000e or 0x816f0a0c2b83000eSeverity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - TemperatureServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0147SNMP Trap ID: 0Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.816f0a0c-2b83000f An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] onSubsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: The Over Temperature Condition for Memory on DIMM 15 in Compute Book 3 has been deasserted.May also be shown as 816f0a0c2b83000f or 0x816f0a0c2b83000fSeverity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - TemperatureServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0147SNMP Trap ID: 0Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.816f0a0c-2b830010 An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] onSubsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: The Over Temperature Condition for Memory on DIMM 16 in Compute Book 3 has been deasserted.May also be shown as 816f0a0c2b830010 or 0x816f0a0c2b830010Severity: InfoAlert Category: Critical - TemperatureServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0147SNMP Trap ID: 0Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: Information only; no action is required.816f0a0c-2b83000e • 816f0a0c-2b830010Appendix B. Integrated management module II (IMM2) error messages 1651