Nomadix AG5800 manuals
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- about this guide
- welcome to the access gateway
- key features and benefits
- transparent connectivity
- billing enablement
- nse core functionality
- access control
- bandwidth management
- command line interface
- dynamic address translation
- external web server mode
- information and control console
- internal web server
- ip upsell
- ntp support
- radius client
- secure management
- secure socket layer (ssl)
- secure xml api
- static port mapping
- web management interface
- optional nse modules
- pms integration
- network architecture (sample)
- multiple unit clustering
- load balancing and link failover
- load balancing across multiple low speed links
- guest hsia failover only, to admin network
- load balancing with users connected to a preferred isp link
- online help (webhelp)
- installation workflow
- powering up the system
- start here
- step 1a: static wan ip configuration
- step 1b: dhcp client configuration
- step 1c: pppoe dynamic ip client configuration
- step 1d: pppoe static ip client configuration
- step 3: retrieving your license key
- step 5: configuring ag dhcp server settings
- the management interfaces (cli and web)
- making menu selections and inputting data with the cli
- inputting data – maximum character lengths
- online documentation and help
- establishing the start up configuration
- assigning login user names and passwords
- setting the snmp parameters (optional)
- configuring the wan interface
- enabling the logging options (recommended)
- assigning the location information and ip addresses
- logging out and powering down the system
- establishing the basic configuration for subscribers
- setting the dhcp options
- dhcp options from rfc 2132
- dhcp dynamic enable and disable
- setting the dns options
- archiving your configuration settings
- system administration
- using the web management interface (wmi)
- using an snmp manager
- about your product license
- establishing secure administration {access control
- defining automatic configuration settings {auto configuration
- setting up bandwidth management {bandwidth management
- group bandwidth limit policy
- group bandwidth limit policy – enable
- group bandwidth limit policy – current table
- establishing billing records "mirroring" {bill record mirroring
- clustering {clustering
- configuring destination http redirection {destination http redirection
- managing the dhcp service options {dhcp
- enabling dnssec support
- managing the dns options {dns
- managing the dynamic dns options {dynamic dns
- ethernet ports/wan
- setting the home page redirection options {home page redirect
- enabling intelligent address translation (inat)
- defining ipsec tunnel settings {ipsec
- load balancing
- establishing your location {location
- managing the log options {logging
- enabling mac authentication {mac authentication
- assigning passthrough addresses (passthrough addresses)
- assigning a pms service {pms
- setting up port locations {port-location
- setting up quality of service {qos
- defining the radius client settings {radius client
- defining the radius proxy settings {radius proxy
- defining the realm-based routing settings {realm-based routing
- managing smtp redirection {smtp
- managing the snmp communities {snmp
- enabling dynamic multiple subnet support (subnets)
- displaying your configuration settings {summary
- setting the system date and time {time
- setting up traffic descriptors
- setting up url filtering {url filtering
- selecting user agent filtering settings
- zone migration
- defining ipsec tunnel settings
- network info menu
- displaying the host table {hosts
- displaying icmp statistics {icmp
- interface monitoring
- displaying the ip statistics {ip
- viewing ipsec tunnel status {ipsec
- displaying the active ip connections {sockets
- displaying the static port mapping table {static port-mapping
- displaying tcp statistics {tcp
- displaying udp statistics {udp
- port-location menu
- adding and updating port-location assignments {add
- deleting all port-location assignments {delete all
- deleting port-location assignments by location {delete by location
- exporting port-location assignments {export
- finding port-location assignments by description {find by description
- finding port-location assignments by port {find by port
- importing port-location assignments {import
- displaying the port-location mappings {list
- subscriber administration menu
- displaying current subscriber connections {current
- deleting subscriber profiles by mac address {delete by mac
- deleting subscriber profiles by user name {delete by user
- displaying the currently allocated dhcp leases {dhcp leases
- finding subscriber profiles by mac address {find by mac
- finding subscriber profiles by user name {find by user
- listing subscriber profiles by user name {list by user
- viewing radius proxy accounting logs {radius session history
- subscriber interface menu
- setting up the information and control console {icc setup
- defining languages {language support
- enable serving of local web pages {local web server
- defining the subscriber's login ui {login ui
- defining the post session user interface (post session ui)
- defining subscriber ui buttons {subscriber buttons
- defining subscriber ui labels {subscriber labels
- defining subscriber error messages {subscriber errors
- defining subscriber messages {subscriber messages
- system menu
- deleting an arp table entry {arp delete
- configurable gateway arp refresh interval
- enabling the bridge mode option {bridge mode
- exporting configuration settings to the archive file {export
- importing the factory defaults {factory
- defining the fail over options {fail over
- viewing the history log {history
- establishing icmp blocking parameters {icmp
- importing configuration settings from the archive file {import
- establishing login access levels {login
- defining the mac filtering options {mac filtering
- utilizing packet capturing {packet capture
- rebooting the system {reboot
- establishing session rate limiting {session limit
- adding static ports {static port-mapping add
- deleting static ports {static port-mapping delete
- blocking a subscriber interface {subscriber interfaces
- updating the access gateway firmware {upgrade
- authorization and billing
- the aaa structure
- process flow (aaa)
- internal and external web servers
- subscriber management
- configuring the subscriber management models
- information and control console (icc)
- logout console
- web management interface (wmi) menus
- configuration menu items
- network info menu items
- port-location menu items
- subscriber administration menu items
- system menu items
- alphabetical listing of menu items (wmi)
- quick reference guide
- default (factory) configuration settings
- product specifications
- sample aaa log
- sample syslog report
- sample history log
- keyboard shortcuts
- radius attributes
- authentication-reply (accept)
- selected detailed descriptions
- nomadix vendor specific attributes
- setting up the ssl feature
- installing cygwin and openssl on a pc
- private key generation
- create a certificate signing request (csr) file
- create a public key file (server.pem)
- setting up access gateway for ssl secure login
- setting up the portal page
- mirroring billing records
- xml interface
- troubleshooting
- management interface error messages
- common problems
- contact information
Table of contents
- product information
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Organization
- Welcome to the Access Gateway
- Key Features and Benefits
- Billing Enablement
- NSE Core Functionality
- Access Control
- Billing Records Mirroring
- Command Line Interface
- Dynamic Address Translation
- Home Page Redirect
- Information and Control Console
- Initial NSE Configuration
- IPv6 Device Management
- NTP Support
- RADIUS Proxy
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Session Termination Redirect
- Walled Garden
- Optional NSE Modules
- Network Architecture (Sample)
- Multiple Unit Clustering
- Load Balancing and Link Failover
- Traffic Balancing and Weighting
- Load Balancing across Multiple Low Speed Links
- Separate Guest HSIA and Admin ISP Links, with Failover Between Each ISP Link
- Guest HSIA Failover Only, to Admin Network
- Load Balancing With Users Connected to a Preferred ISP Link
- Online Help (WebHelp)
- Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
- Installing the Access Gateway
- Installation Workflow
- Powering Up the System
- User Manual and Documentation
- Start Here
- Configuration
- Step 1b: DHCP Client Configuration
- Step 1c: PPPoE Dynamic IP Client Configuration
- Step 1d: PPPoE Static IP Client Configuration
- Step 4: Configuring the System
- The Management Interfaces (CLI and Web)
- Inputting Data – Maximum Character Lengths
- Online Documentation and Help
- Establishing the Start Up Configuration
- Setting the SNMP Parameters (optional)
- Configuring the WAN interface
- Enabling the Logging Options (recommended)
- Logging Out and Powering Down the System
- Establishing the Basic Configuration for Subscribers
- DHCP Options from RFC 2132
- DHCP Dynamic Enable and Disable
- Archiving Your Configuration Settings
- Installing the Nomadix Private MIB
- System Administration
- Choosing a Remote Connection
- Using an SNMP Manager
- Logging In
- About Your Product License
- Configuration Menu
- Establishing Secure Administration {Access Control}
- Defining Automatic Configuration Settings {Auto Configuration}
- Setting Up Bandwidth Management {Bandwidth Management}
- Group Bandwidth Limit Policy
- Group Bandwidth Limit Policy – Current Table
- Class-Based Queueing
- Clustering {Clustering}
- Managing the DHCP service options {DHCP}
- Managing the DNS Options {DNS}
- Enabling DNSSEC Support
- Ethernet Ports/WAN
- IPv6 Device Setup
- Link Aggregation
- Enabling Fast Forwarding
- Setting the Home Page Redirection Options {Home Page Redirect}
- Interface Monitoring
- Defining IPSec Tunnel Settings {IPSec}
- Managing IPSec Security Policies
- Load Balancing
- Managing the Log Options {Logging}
- Enabling MAC Authentication {MAC Authentication}
- Assigning a PMS Service {PMS}
- Setting Up Port Locations {Port-Location}
- Setting up Quality of Service {QoS}
- Defining the RADIUS Client Settings {RADIUS Client}
- Defining the RADIUS Proxy Settings {RADIUS Proxy}
- Defining the Realm-Based Routing Settings {Realm-Based Routing}
- Managing SMTP Redirection {SMTP}
- Managing the SNMP Communities {SNMP}
- Enabling Dynamic Multiple Subnet Support (Subnets)
- Setting the System Date and Time {Time}
- Setting up Traffic Descriptors {Traffic Descriptors}
- Setting Up URL Filtering {URL Filtering}
- Selecting User Agent Filtering Settings
- Zone Migration
- Network Info Menu
- Displaying ICMP Statistics {ICMP}
- Displaying the IP Statistics {IP}
- Viewing IPSec Tunnel Status {IPSec}
- Displaying the Active IP Connections {Sockets}
- Displaying TCP Statistics {TCP}
- Displaying UDP Statistics {UDP}
- Port-Location Menu
- Exporting Port-Location Assignments {Export}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Description {Find by Description}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Port {Find by Port}
- Importing Port-Location Assignments {Import}
- Displaying the Port-Location Mappings {List}
- Subscriber Intra-Port Communication
- Subscriber Administration Menu
- Displaying Current Subscriber Connections {Current}
- Deleting Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {Delete by MAC}
- Deleting All Expired Subscriber Profiles {Expired}
- Finding Subscriber Profiles by User Name {Find by User}
- Viewing RADIUS Proxy Accounting Logs {RADIUS Session History}
- Displaying Current Profiles and Connections {Statistics}
- Subscriber Interface Menu
- Setting Up the Information and Control Console {ICC Setup}
- Defining Languages {Language Support}
- Enable Serving of Local Web Pages {Local Web Server}
- Defining the Subscriber's Login UI {Login UI}
- Defining the Post Session User Interface (Post Session UI)
- Defining Subscriber UI Buttons {Subscriber Buttons}
- Defining Subscriber Error Messages {Subscriber Errors}
- Defining Subscriber Messages {Subscriber Messages}
- System Menu
- Enabling the Bridge Mode Option {Bridge Mode}
- Exporting Configuration Settings to the Archive File {Export}
- Importing the Factory Defaults {Factory}
- Viewing the History Log {History}
- Importing Configuration Settings from the Archive File {Import}
- Establishing Login Access Levels {Login}
- Remote RADIUS Testing
- Defining the MAC Filtering Options {MAC Filtering}
- Utilizing Packet Capturing {Packet Capture}
- Rebooting the System {Reboot}
- Establishing Session Rate Limiting {Session Limit}
- Updating the Access Gateway Firmware {Upgrade}
- The Subscriber Interface
- Authorization and Billing
- Process Flow (AAA)
- Language Support
- Subscriber Management
- Information and Control Console (ICC)
- Quick Reference Guide
- Web Management Interface (WMI) Menus
- Network Info Menu Items
- Port-Location Menu Items
- Subscriber Administration Menu Items
- System Menu Items
- Alphabetical Listing of Menu Items (WMI)
- Default (Factory) Configuration Settings
- Product Specifications
- Sample AAA Log
- Sample SYSLOG Report
- Sample History Log
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- HyperTerminal Settings
- RADIUS Attributes
- Authentication-Reply (Accept)
- Selected Detailed Descriptions
- Nomadix Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes
- Setting Up the SSL Feature
- Private Key Generation
- Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File
- Create a Public Key File (server.pem)
- Setting Up Access Gateway for SSL Secure Login
- Mirroring Billing Records
- Troubleshooting
- General Hints and Tips
- Management Interface Error Messages
- Common Problems
- Appendix A: Technical Support
- Contact Information
- Appendix B: Glossary of Terms
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Organization
- Welcome to the Access Gateway
- Key Features and Benefits
- Transparent Connectivity
- Billing Enablement
- NSE Core Functionality
- Access Control
- Bandwidth Management
- Bridge Mode
- Command Line Interface
- End User Licensee Count
- iNAT
- Information and Control Console
- International Language Support
- Load Balancing
- Portal Page Redirect
- RADIUS Client
- Remember Me and RADIUS Re-Authentication
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Session Rate Limiting (SRL)
- URL Filtering
- Optional NSE Modules
- PMS Integration
- Network Architecture (Sample)
- Multiple Unit Clustering
- Load Balancing and Link Failover
- Load Balancing across Multiple Low Speed Links
- Separate Guest HSIA and Admin ISP Links, with Failover Between Each ISP Link
- Guest HSIA Failover Only, to Admin Network
- Sharing Guest HSIA Network and Hotel Admin Network Among Multiple ISP Links
- Load Balancing With Users Connected to a Preferred ISP Link
- Online Help (WebHelp)
- Chapter 2: Installing the Access Gateway
- Powering Up the System
- Accessory Box Contents
- Configuration
- Step 1b: DHCP Client Configuration
- Step 1c: PPPoE Dynamic IP Client Configuration
- Step 1d: PPPoE Static IP Client Configuration
- Step 3: Retrieving Your License Key
- Step 5: Configuring AG DHCP Server Settings
- The Management Interfaces (CLI and Web)
- Making Menu Selections and Inputting Data with the CLI
- Inputting Data – Maximum Character Lengths
- Online Documentation and Help
- Establishing the Start Up Configuration
- Assigning Login User Names and Passwords
- Setting the SNMP Parameters (optional)
- Configuring the WAN interface
- Enabling the Logging Options (recommended)
- Logging Out and Powering Down the System
- Setting the DHCP Options
- DHCP Options from RFC 2132
- DHCP Dynamic Enable and Disable
- Setting the DNS Options
- Archiving Your Configuration Settings
- Chapter 3: System Administration
- Using the Web Management Interface (WMI)
- Using an SNMP Manager
- Logging In
- Establishing Secure Administration {Access Control}
- Defining Automatic Configuration Settings {Auto Configuration}
- Setting Up Bandwidth Management {Bandwidth Management}
- Group Bandwidth Limit Policy
- Group Bandwidth Limit Policy – Operation
- Group Bandwidth Limit Policy – Enable
- Establishing Billing Records "Mirroring" {Bill Record Mirroring}
- Class-Based Queueing
- Clustering {Clustering}
- Configuring Destination HTTP Redirection {Destination HTTP Redirection}
- Managing the DHCP service options {DHCP}
- Enabling DNSSEC Support
- Managing the DNS Options {DNS}
- Ethernet Ports/WAN
- Setting the Home Page Redirection Options {Home Page Redirect}
- Enabling Intelligent Address Translation (iNAT™)
- Defining IPSec Tunnel Settings {IPSec}
- Establishing Your Location {Location}
- Managing the Log Options {Logging}
- Enabling MAC Authentication {MAC Authentication}
- Assigning Passthrough Addresses {Passthrough Addresses}
- Assigning a PMS Service {PMS}
- Setting Up Port Locations {Port-Location}
- Setting up Quality of Service {QoS}
- Defining the RADIUS Client Settings {RADIUS Client}
- Defining the RADIUS Proxy Settings {RADIUS Proxy}
- Defining the Realm-Based Routing Settings {Realm-Based Routing}
- Managing SMTP Redirection {SMTP}
- Managing the SNMP Communities {SNMP}
- Enabling Dynamic Multiple Subnet Support (Subnets)
- Displaying Your Configuration Settings {Summary}
- Setting the System Date and Time {Time}
- Setting up Traffic Descriptors
- Setting Up URL Filtering {URL Filtering}
- Selecting User Agent Filtering Settings
- Zone Migration
- Defining IPSec Tunnel Settings
- Network Info Menu
- Displaying the Host Table {Hosts}
- Displaying ICMP Statistics {ICMP}
- Interface Monitoring
- Displaying the IP Statistics {IP}
- Viewing IPSec Tunnel Status {IPSec}
- Displaying the Routing Tables {Routing}
- Modifying the Routing Tables {Routing}
- Displaying the Active IP Connections {Sockets}
- Displaying the Static Port Mapping Table {Static Port-Mapping}
- Displaying TCP Statistics {TCP}
- Displaying UDP Statistics {UDP}
- Adding and Updating Port-Location Assignments {Add}
- Exporting Port-Location Assignments {Export}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Description {Find by Description}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Location {Find by Location}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Port {Find by Port}
- Importing Port-Location Assignments {Import}
- Displaying the Port-Location Mappings {List}
- Subscriber Intra-Port Communication
- Subscriber Administration Menu
- Displaying Current Subscriber Connections {Current}
- Deleting Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {Delete by MAC}
- Deleting Subscriber Profiles by User Name {Delete by User}
- Displaying the Currently Allocated DHCP Leases {DHCP Leases}
- Finding Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {Find by MAC}
- Finding Subscriber Profiles by User Name {Find by User}
- Viewing RADIUS Proxy Accounting Logs {RADIUS Session History}
- Displaying Current Profiles and Connections {Statistics}
- Setting Up the Information and Control Console {ICC Setup}
- Defining Languages {Language Support}
- Enable Serving of Local Web Pages {Local Web Server}
- Defining the Subscriber's Login UI {Login UI}
- Defining the Post Session User Interface (Post Session UI)
- Defining Subscriber UI Buttons {Subscriber Buttons}
- Defining Subscriber UI Labels {Subscriber Labels}
- Defining Subscriber Error Messages {Subscriber Errors}
- Defining Subscriber Messages {Subscriber Messages}
- System Menu
- Configurable Gateway ARP Refresh Interval
- Exporting Configuration Settings to the Archive File {Export}
- Importing the Factory Defaults {Factory}
- Defining the Fail Over Options {Fail Over}
- Viewing the History Log {History}
- Establishing ICMP Blocking Parameters {ICMP}
- Importing Configuration Settings from the Archive File {Import}
- Establishing Login Access Levels {Login}
- Defining the MAC Filtering Options {MAC Filtering}
- Utilizing Packet Capturing {Packet Capture}
- Rebooting the System {Reboot}
- Establishing Session Rate Limiting {Session Limit}
- Adding/Deleting Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping}
- Updating the Access Gateway Firmware {Upgrade}
- Chapter 4: The Subscriber Interface
- Authorization and Billing
- The AAA Structure
- Process Flow (AAA)
- Internal and External Web Servers
- Subscriber Management
- Configuring the Subscriber Management Models
- Information and Control Console (ICC)
- Logout Console
- Chapter 5: Quick Reference Guide
- Configuration Menu Items
- Network Info Menu Items
- Port-Location Menu Items
- Subscriber Interface Menu Items
- System Menu Items
- Alphabetical Listing of Menu Items (WMI)
- quick reference guide
- Default (Factory) Configuration Settings
- Product Specifications
- Sample AAA Log
- Sample SYSLOG Report
- Sample History Log
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- RADIUS Attributes
- Authentication-Request
- Accounting-Request
- Selected Detailed Descriptions
- Nomadix Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes
- Setting Up the SSL Feature
- Installing Cygwin and OpenSSL on a PC
- Private Key Generation
- Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File
- Create a Public Key File (server.pem)
- Setting Up Access Gateway for SSL Secure Login
- Setting Up the Portal
- Mirroring Billing Records
- XML Interface
- Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
- Management Interface Error Messages
- Common Problems
- Appendix A: Technical Support
- Appendix B: Glossary of Terms
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