D/A (MODULE J8) PCI MEMORY MAP68C3 Operations Manual North Atlantic Industries, Inc. 12/19/2014Rev: 2014-12-19-0947 www.naii.com Page 142 of 330D/A (MODULE J8) PCI MEMORY MAP000 Data Ch.1 W/R 030 Wrap-around Ch.3 R 700 BIT Status Ch.1-4 R004 Data Ch.2 W/R 034 Wrap-around Ch.4 R 704 Over Current Status Ch.1-4 R008 Data Ch.3 W/R 708 BIT Status Interrupt Enable Ch.1-4 W/R00C Data Ch.4 W/R 038 Current Read Ch.1 R 70C Over Current Interrupt Enable Ch.1-4 W/R03C Current Read Ch.2 R010 Range Ch. 1 & 2 W/R 040 Current Read Ch.3 R 768 Module Design Version R014 Range Ch. 3 & 4 W/R 044 Current Read Ch.4 R 76C Module Design Revision R770 Module DSP R018 Polarity Ch.1 W/R 0D0 Reset to Zero W/R 774 Module FGPA R01C Polarity Ch.2 W/R 0D4 Retry Overload W/R 778 Module ID R020 Polarity Ch.3 W/R 0D8 Reset Overload W/R024 Polarity Ch.4 W/R 0DC Over Current Override R/W 7C0 BIT Interrupt Vector W/R7C4 Over Current Interrupt Vector W/R028 Wrap Around Ch.1 R 6F8 Test Enable W/R02C Wrap Around Ch.2 R 6FC D2 Test Verify W/R