68C3 Operations Manual North Atlantic Industries, Inc. 12/19/2014Rev: 2014-12-19-0947 www.naii.com Page 4 of 330SOFTWARE SUPPORTThe ENAIBL Software Support Kit (SSK) is supplied with all system platform based board level products. Thisplatform’s SSK contents include html format help documentation which defines board specific library functionsand their respective parameter requirements. A board specific library and its source code is provided (modulelevel ‘C’ and header files) to facilitate function implementation independent of user operating system (O/S).Portability files are provided to identify Board Support Package (BSP) dependent functions and help port code toother common system BSPs. With the use of the provided help documentation, these libraries are easily ported toany 32-bit O/S such as RTOS or Linux.The latest version of a board specific SSK can be downloaded from our website www.naii.com in the softwaredownloads section. A Quick-Start Software Manual is also available for download where the SSK contents aredetailed, Quick-Start Instructions provided and GUI applications are described therein. For other operating systemsupport, contact factory.