DLV 3 Channel (Module 5*)68C3 Operations Manual North Atlantic Industries, Inc. 12/19/2014Rev: 2014-12-19-0947 www.naii.com Page 249 of 330DLV Channel Signal VoltageEach individual channel output signal voltage “VL-L” is measured and the value reported to a corresponding readregister. The output voltage is reported to a resolution of 10 mv rms. The output is in integer decimal format. Forexample, if channel 1 output signal voltage is 11.8 VRMS, the output measurement word from the correspondingregister would be 1180.Signal Loss ThresholdEach individual channel output signal voltage “VL-L” is measured and the value reported to a corresponding readregister. The signal loss detection circuitry can be tailored to report a signal loss (at SIG Status register Ch.1-4) ata user defined threshold. This threshold can be set to a resolution of 10 mv rms. Program the threshold by writingthe value of the voltage threshold in integer decimal format. For example, if channel 1 signal loss voltagethreshold is to be 7 VRMS, the programmed word to the corresponding register would be 700 (2BCh).Excitation Loss ThresholdEach individual channel input excitation voltage “VEXC” is measured and the value reported to a correspondingread register. The excitation loss detection circuitry can be tailored to report a excitation loss (at EXC Status Ch.1-4) at a user defined threshold. This threshold can be set to a resolution of 10 mv rms. Program the threshold bywriting the value of the voltage threshold in integer decimal format. For example, if channel 1 input excitation lossvoltage threshold is to be 20 VRMS, the programmed word to the corresponding register would be 2000 (7D0h).DLV Write PositionEnter the position as a 2’s complement number in the corresponding Position Ch. Data Register within the rangeof -1.00 < Position < (+1.00 – LSB). Factory default: POSITION = 0Calculate using: register value = POSITION * 32768Example: For a POSITION = -0.5 -> register value = -0.5 * 32768 = -16384 (0xC000)Example: For a POSITION = 0.75 -> register value = 0.75 * 32768 = 24576 (0x6000)The Output voltages in 3/4-wire mode are related to the position by:Va = Excitation Voltage * TR * [ Position/2 + 0.5 ]Vb = Excitation Voltage * TR * [ 1 – ( Position/2 + 0.5 ) ]The Output voltage in 2-wire mode is related to the position by:V = Excitation Input * TR * PositionDLV Response / Filter Time(Pending)