Chapter 916-bit TimerTimer Output IX - 559.7.2 Setup Example■ TImer Output Setup ExampleThe output pin (TM8AIO) using timer 8 outputs waveforms as shown below (repeating “L” output for 1ms and“H” output for the next 1ms). IOCLK is selected as clock source to match the binary counter and the compare/capture register for every 1 ms. The oscillator frequency is set to 10 MHz, 6 multiplication and IOCLK=MCLK/2.A setup procedure with a description of each step is shown below.Figure:9.7.2 Timer Output Setup ExampleSetup Procedure Description(1) Stop the counterTM8MD(0x0000A200)bp6: TMLDE=0bp7: TMCNE=0(1) Set the TMLDE flag and TMCNE flag of the timer 8mode register (TM8MD) to “0” to stop the timer 8counting.(2) Set the repeating cycleTM8CA(0x0000A208)=0x752F(2) Set the repeating cycle to the timer 8 compare/capture Aregister (TM8CA). The setting value is 29999 (0x752F)due to 30000 counts.(3) Select the count clock sourceTM8MD(0x0000A200)bp2-0: TMCK2-0=000(3) Select the count clock source (IOCLK) by the TMCK2-0flag of the TM8MD register.(4) Select the timer up/downTM8MD(0x0000A200)bp9-8: TMUD1-0=00(4) Select the timer up counting by the TMUD1-0 flag of theTM8MD register.(5) Set the timer counter clear enabledTM8MD(0x0000A200)bp11: TMCLE=1(5) Set the TMCLE flag of the TM8MD register to “1” toenable the clear operation of the TM8BC counter.When the TM8CA register and the TM8BC countermatch, the TM8BC counter is cleared.(6) Select the timer compare/capture Aoperation modeTM8MDA(0x0000A204)bp7-6: TMAM1-0=00(6) Set the function of the timer 8 compare/capture registerto the compare register (double buffer) by the TMAM1-0 flag of the timer 8 compare/capture A mode register(TM8MDA).(7) Select the timer A pin polarityTM8MDA(0x0000A204)bp5: TMAEG=0(7) Set the TMAEG flag of the TM8MDA register to “0” to setthe initial condition of the pin output to “L”. When theinitial condition of the pin output is set to “H”, set theflag to “1”.(8) Select the timer A output waveformTM8MDA(0x0000A204)bp1-0: TMAO1-0=11(8) Set the timer A output waveform selection to the timeroutput by the TMA01-0 flag of the TM8MDA register.Output pin(TM8AIO) 1ms 1ms