Chapter 4Bus ControllerIV - 4 Operation■ Data Access TimingData access to peripheral circuitry in the internal I/O space is performed in synchronization with IOCLK. Figure:4.2.2 shows the data access timing chart of the internal I/O space. The address (ABIOA[30:0]), the chip select sig-nal (NABIOCS[n]) and the read enable signal (NABIORE) are output simultaneously at the falling edge ofIOCLK(AKIOCLK), while the peripheral circuitry starts to drive the data onto the read data signal(ABIORD[31:0]). The data on the read data signal is read simultaneously at the falling edge of IOCLK where theaccess cycle is terminated.Figure:4.2.2 Data Access Timing in the Internal I/O Space■ Basic Bus Cycle CountRefer to chapter 3 “ Clock Generator” for the frequency of MCLK and IOCLK.Table:4.2.2 Relationship between Clock Frequency and Access Cycle Count (CPU Cycle)Accessed destination MCLK (cycle count) IOCLK (cycle count)Internal ROM Instruction read 3 cycles -Data read 3 cycles -Internal RAM Instruction read 4 cycles -Data read/write 1 cycles -Control register inside CPU Read 3 cycles -Write 2 cycles -Control register outside CPU(Control register space)Read 3 cycles -Write 2 cycles -Internal I/O(Internal I/O space)Read (*2) 2 cycles I/O bus cycleWrite (*1)(*2) 1 cycles I/O bus cycle(*!) : Each of all writes for the internal I/O is performed in 1 cycle by the use of the store buffer.(*2) : Up to 3 cycles of synchronization wait occur.The total of MCLK and IOCLK cycle countAKIOCLKABIOA(30:0)NABIOCS(n)NABIOREABIOWD(31:0)NABIOWE(3:0)ABIORD(31:0)Read cycle Write cycle1 wait state1 wait state