Chapter 14A/D ConverterXIV - 32 Operation■ Multiple Channels/Continuous Conversion (AD0, AD1)Continuous multiple A/D input is converted continuously. The A/D interrupt is generated every time all conver-sions of multiple channels end. Set the first channel to be converted by the ANnCH2-0 flags of the ANnCTR0and the last channel by the ANnNCH2-0 flags of the ANnCTR1 register.When conversion is started by the ANnEN flag (conversion start-execution flag), set the ANnTRG flag to “0” andthe ANnEN flag to “1”. Conversion is terminated by setting the ANnEN flag to”0” forcedly. The ANnEN flag is“1” during conversion and changes to “0” after conversion of all channels end. The AN2CH3-0 flags become thechannel number being converted during conversion and change to the first channel number after conversion of allchannels is completed.■ Multiple Channels/Continuous Conversion (AD2)Continuous multiple A/D input is converted continuously. The A/D interrupt is generated every time all conver-sions of multiple channels end. Set the first channel to be converted by the AN2CH3-0 flags of the AN2CTR0and the last channel by the AN2NCH3-0 flags of the AN2CTR1 register.When conversion is started by the AN2EN flag (conversion start-execution flag), set the AN2TRG flag to “0” andthe AN2EN flag to “1”. Conversion is terminated by setting the AN2EN flag to”0” forcedly. The AN2EN flag is“1” during conversion and changes to “0” after conversion of all channels end. The AN2CH3-0 flags become thechannel number being converted during conversion and change to the first channel number after conversion of allchannels is completed.Figure:14.3.5 Multiple Channels/Continuous Conversion Timing..Multiple channels are converted in the following order...N+1ch conversion N+2ch conversionStartStopinterrupt requestStatusANENNch conversion N+1ch conversion N+2ch conversionNch conversion Nch conversionADIN00AD0ADIN01 ADIN02ADIN05 ADIN04 ADIN03ADIN02AD1ADIN03 ADIN04 ADIN05ADIN09 ADIN08 ADIN07 ADIN06ADIN06AD2ADIN07 ADIN08 ADIN09ADIN15 ADIN14 ADIN13 ADIN12ADIN10ADIN11