Chapter 12Serial interface 0 and 1XII - 24 Operation12.3.5 UART Serial Interface Setup■ UART Serial Interface SetupThe setup example for UART transmission/reception with serial 0 is shown. Table: 12.3.10 shows the conditionfor transmission/reception.Table:12.3.10 UART Interface Transmission/Reception ConditionAn setup procedure, with a description of each steps is shown below.Setup item DescriptionSBI0/SBO0 pin setting Independent (2 channels)Frame mode specification 8 bits + 2 stop bitsFirst transfer bit MSBClock source Timer 14Parity bit add / check "0" added / checkSerial 0 transmission complete interrupt EnableSerial0 reception complete interrupt EnableSetup Procedure Description(1) Set the baud rate timer (1) Set the baud rate by the TM14MD and TM14BRregisters, and set the TM14CNE flag to 1 to operate thetimer 14.(2) Select the baud rate timerSIFCLK(0x0000A10E)bp5-4: SC0CKS2-1=00(2) Set the SC0CKS2-1 flags of the SIFCLK register to “00”to set the timer 14 underflow to the baud rate timer.(3) Set the pin functionP2MD(0x0000A032)bp5: P25M=1(3) Set the P25M flag of the P2MD register to “1” to set it toSB0 pin function .(4) Control the pin directionP2DIR(0x0000A022)bp27: P27D=0bp25: P25D=1(4) Set the P25D flag of the P2DIR register to “1” to set P25to output mode , and set the P27D flag to “0” to set P27to input mode.