Chapter 14A/D ConverterOperation XIV - 29■ Power-down ModePower-down mode is used to minimize the standby power requirement. Set the ANnOFF flag of the ANnCTR0register to “0”, for power-down mode and to “1” for operation mode. Set it to operation mode at conversion oper-ation. 100 ns wait is required from operation mode starting to A/D converter starting.■ Any Single Channel/One-time Conversion (AD0, AD1)One channel A/D input is converted only once. The A/D interrupt is generated at the same time when conversionends. Set the channel number to be converted to the ANnCH2-0 flags of the ANnCTR0 register (conversion chan-nel at any single channel conversion). When conversion is started by the ANnEN flag (conversion start-executionflag), set the ANnTRG flag to “0” and the ANnEN flag to “1”. The ANnEN flag is “1” during conversion and “0”after conversion ends.■ Any Single Channel/One-time Conversion (AD2)One channel A/D input is converted only once. The A/D interrupt is generated at the same time when conversionends. Set the channel number to be converted to the AN2CH3-0 flags of the AN2CTR0 register (conversion chan-nel at any single channel conversion). When conversion is started by the AN2EN flag (conversion start-executionflag), set the AN2TRG flag to “0” and the AN2EN flag to “1”. The AN2EN flag is “1” during conversion and “0”after conversion ends.Figure:14.3.2 Any Single Channel/One-time Conversion TimingStartNch conversionStopInterrupt requestStatusANEN