Chapter 1OverviewElectrical Characteristics I - 21V DD = 5.0 VV SS = 0.0 VTa= -40 °C to +85 °CParameter Symbol ConditionsLimitsUnitMin. Typ. Max.Input pins< input: CMOS level>NRST, TEST1 to TEST3C8 Input voltage High level VIH2 - VDD x 0.8 - VDD VC9 Input voltage Low level V IL2 - 0.0 - VDD x 0.2 VC10 Input current Low levelI IH2 V IN=0 VPull-up resistor is always con-nected-55 -166 -500 μAHow to use test pinsThe following pins are for LSI test. These pins are incorporated pull-up resistor.TEST1 (P24) ... Pull-up to VDD with OPEN or about 1 kΩ resistor.TEST2 (P25) ... Pull-up to VDD with OPEN or about 1 kΩ resistor.TEST3 (P26) ... Pull-up to VDD with OPEN or about 1 kΩ resistor.V DD=5.0 VVSS = 0.0 VTa= -40 °C to +85 °CParameter Symbol ConditionsLimitsUnitMin. Typ. Max.OSCI pinC11 Input voltage High level VIH4 When external clock is input V DD x 0.9 - VDD VC12 Input current Low level V IL4 When external clock is input 0.0 - V DD x 0.1 VC13 Internal feedback resistor R FB V 1= V DD or VSS - 1.0 - MΩRegulator output pin V DD2, VDD3*1*1.Use the regulator output as power supply only for the microcontrollerC14 Output voltage range V DD2 - 1.65 1.8 1.95 VC15 Output voltage range VDD3 - 3.0 3.3 3.6 V