Chapter 2CPU BasicsII - 16 Instructions■ Branching InstructionsThese instructions are used to make flow changes in program execution according to the given conditions. Condi-tional branching instructions are classified into normal conditional branching instructions and loop-dedicated con-ditional branching instructions. A loop-dedicated conditional branching instructions uses a dedicated register, thusminimizing the branching penalty and ensuring high-speed loop execution. The subroutine call and return are pro-vided with highly functional specifications which manipulate the PC, save and restore multiple registers to andfrom the stack, and allocate and release stack area.Table:2.5.9 Branching Instructions■ NOP InstructionThis instruction does not execute anything, but it is possible to advance one-cycle time without having any influ-ence on any resources by executing the NOP instruction.Table:2.5.10 NOP Instruction■ Extension InstructionsThese instructions are defined for extension operation units of add-on type. An extension instruction uses a fixedinstruction format. The instruction map is reserved. This microcontroller incorporates 30 extension instructionsincluding high-speed multiplication and sum-of-products operation instructions. For instructions in detail, seeAppendix B Expansion Instruction Specifications.Instruction DescriptionBcc Conditional branching (PC-relative)Lcc Loop-dedicated conditional branchingSETLB Set start of loopJMP Non-conditional branching (PC-relative and register-indirect)CALL Subroutine call (high-function type)CALLS Subroutine callRET Return from subroutine (high-function type)RETF Return from subroutine (high-function, high-speed type)RETS Return from subroutineRTI Return from interrupt programTRAP Subroutine call to fixed addressInstruction DescriptionNOP No operation