Chapter 16AppendixXVI - 68 Extension Instruction SpecificationSWAP (instruction for bytewise exchange of high-order and low-order bytes of 4-byte data)[Instruction format (macro name)]SWAP Dm, Dn[Assembler mnemonic]udf08 Dm, Dn[Operation]This instruction swaps high-order and low-order 8 bits of each of high-order and low-order 16 bits of the contentof 32-bit data stored in Dm, further swaps high-order and low-order 16 bits and stores the resultant data in Dn.Bit 32 to bit 24 of Dm are stored in bit 7 to bit 0 of Dn while bit 23 to bit 16 of Dm are stored in bit 15 to bit 8 ofDn. Bit 15 to bit 8 of Dm are stored in bit 23 to bit 16 of Dn while bit 7 to bit 0 of Dm are stored in bit 32 to bit 24of Dn.[Flag changes][Note for programming]Updating of the PSW as a result of flag changes is delayed by 1 instruction.Note, however, that flags can be evaluated for the Bcc and Lcc instructions before flag changes are reflected in thePSW.Flag Change ConditionV * UndefinedC * UndefinedN * UndefinedZ * UndefinedExample of execution Before execution: 0x12345678 After execution : 0x78563412Dm before executionof the instructionDn after execution ofthe instructionBit 31MSBDm [31:24] Dm [23:16] Dm [15:8] Dm [7:0]Bit 0LSBBit 31MSBDm [7:0] Dm [15:8] Dm [23:16] Dm [31:24]Bit 0LSB