n C6-03, C6-04, C6-05: Carrier Frequency Upper Limit, Lower Limit, Proportional GainThese parameters set a user-defined or a variable carrier frequency. Set C6-02 to F to set the upper and lower limits and thecarrier frequency proportional gain.No. Parameter Name Setting Range DefaultC6-03 Carrier Frequency Upper Limit 1.0 to 15.0 kHz Determined byC6-02C6-04 Carrier Frequency Lower Limit 1.0 to 15.0 kHzC6-05 Carrier Frequency Proportional Gain 0 to 99Setting a Fixed User Defined Carrier FrequencyA carrier frequency between the fixed selectable values can be entered in parameter C6-03 when C6-02 is set to F.In V/f Control, adjust parameter C6-04 to the same value as C6-03.Setting a Variable Carrier Frequency (V/f Control)In V/f Control, the carrier frequency can be set up to change linearly with the output frequency by setting the upper and lowerlimits for the carrier frequency and the carrier frequency proportional gain (C6-03, C6-04, C6-05) as shown in Figure 5.25.C6-03C6-04E1-04x C6-05Output FrequencyOutputFrequencyMax Output FrequencyCarrier FrequencyFigure 5.25 Carrier Frequency Changes Relative to Output FrequencyNote: When C6-05 is set lower than 7, C6-04 is disabled and the carrier frequency will be fixed to the value set in C6-03.5.3 C: TuningYASKAWA SIEP YAIP1U 01C AC Drive - P1000 Technical Manual 1815 Parameter Details