No. Name Setting Range DefaultS3-01 Secondary PI Enable Selection 0 to 3 0Setting 0: Secondary PI DisabledSetting 1: AlwaysSetting 2: Drive RunningSetting 3: Motor RunningAvailable when the drive is not at zero speed, not in base block, and not in DC injection.n S3-02: Secondary PI User DisplaySets the scale value of 100% PI input. The decimal place shifts based on S3-03.No. Name Setting Range DefaultS3-02 Secondary PI User Display 0 to 60000 10000 <1><1> Unit is determined by S3-03.n S3-03: Secondary PI Display DigitsSets the decimal place display for secondary PI units.No. Name Setting Range DefaultS3-03 Secondary PI Display Digits 0 to 3 2Setting 0: No Decimal PlacesSetting 1: One Decimal PlaceSetting 2: Two Decimal PlacesSetting 3: Three Decimal Placesn S3-04: Secondary PI Unit SelectionSets units for secondary PI control function.No. Name Setting Range DefaultS3-04 Secondary PI Unit Selection 0 to 15 15Setting 0: Inch of Water (WC)Setting 1: Pounds per Square Inch (PSI)Setting 2: Gallons per Minute (GPM)Setting 3: Degrees Fahrenheit (F)Setting 4: Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM)Setting 5: Cubic Meters per Hour (CMH)Setting 6: Liters per Hour (LPH)Setting 7: Liters per Second (LPS)Setting 8: Bar (Bar)Setting 9: Pascals (Pa)Setting 10: Degrees Celsius (C)Setting 11: Meters (Mtr) (Ft: Feet)Setting 12: Liters per Minute (LPM)Setting 13: Cubic Meters per Minute (CMM)Setting 14: No UnitSetting 15: Percentage (%)n S3-05: Secondary PI Setpoint ValueSets the secondary PI controller target valueNo. Name Setting Range DefaultS3-05 Secondary PI Setpoint Value 0.00 to 600.00 <1> 0.00 <2><1> Upper limit is S3-02, decimal place holder is determined by S3-03.5.11 S: Special Application282 YASKAWA SIEP YAIP1U 01C AC Drive - P1000 Technical Manual