POWR Power unit5-17 69J3D1110. Turn the flywheel magnet an additional120° clockwise and align the “1TDC”mark on the flywheel magnet with thepointer, and check that the “I” marks onthe driven sprockets are aligned with thealignment marks on the cylinder head.11. Remove the flywheel magnet.CAUTION:• Apply force in the direction of thearrows shown, to prevent the flywheelholder from slipping off easily.• To prevent damage to the engine ortools, screw in the flywheel puller setbolts evenly and completely so that theflywheel puller plate is parallel to the fly-wheel magnet.NOTE:Apply force to the crankshaft end until the fly-wheel magnet comes off the tapered portionof the crankshaft.12. Remove the wiring harness guide bolts.NOTE:Move the wiring harness guide 8 to a posi-tion that will make servicing easy.13. Using a hexagon wrench, turn the timingbelt tensioner 9 clockwise to push thetiming belt, increase strength gradually,and then insert a ø5.0 mm (0.2 in) pin 0into the hole k.NOTE:Leave the pin inserted into the timing belttensioner until the timing belt has beeninstalled.14. Remove the timing belt A from thedriven sprockets.ÉÉFlywheel holder 6: 90890-06522Flywheel puller 7: 90890-06521