69J3D11 8-18123456789Checking the low-pressure fuelpump and high-pressure fuel pump1. Disconnect the starter relay lead (brownlead) 1 to prevent the engine from start-ing.2. Turn the engine start switch to ON.3. Listen for the operating sound of the low-pressure fuel pump 2 and high-pressurefuel pump 3. Replace if there is nosound.NOTE:After the engine start switch is turned to ON,the low-pressure fuel pump will operate for10 seconds and the high-pressure fuel pumpwill operate for 5 seconds.Checking the high-pressure fuelpump relay1. Connect the digital circuit tester leads tohigh-pressure fuel pump relay terminals1 and 2.2. Connect the terminal 3 to the positivebattery terminal.3. Connect the terminal 4 to the negativebattery terminal.4. Check for continuity between the high-pressure fuel pump relay terminals.Replace if there is no continuity.5. Check that there is no continuity betweenthe high-pressure fuel pump relay termi-nals after disconnecting terminal 3 or 4.Replace if there is continuity.S69J8300S69J8310S69J8320Fuel control system