69J3D11 9-16123456789Deleting diagnosis record in the ECM:1. Select the item that you wish to delete by either clicking it or pressing the up or down arrow keyson your keyboard.NOTE:The selected code is highlighted in light blue.2. Click the Delete [F3] button or press the F3 key on your keyboard. (See fig. 17.) A confirmationmessage appears. (Fig. 18)Fig. 183. Click the OK button or press the Enter key on your keyboard. (Fig. 18) The selected item isdeleted. To cancel deleting the item, click the Cancel button or press the Esc key on your key-board.NOTE:If an error occurs while an item is being deleted, an error message appears. Follow the instructionsthat appear in the error message. (Fig. 19)Fig. 19Yamaha Diagnostic System