69J3D11 8-20123456789Checking the fuse1. Check the fuse for continuity. Replace ifthere is no continuity.Checking the wiring harness(10 pins)1. Check the wiring harness for continuity.Replace if there is no continuity.Checking the starter relay1. Connect the digital circuit tester leads tothe starter relay terminals.2. Connect the brown (Br) lead to the posi-tive battery terminal.3. Connect the black (B) lead to the nega-tive battery terminal.4. Check for continuity between the starterrelay terminals. Replace if there is nocontinuity.5. Check that there is no continuity betweenthe starter relay terminals after discon-necting the brown or black lead. Replaceif there is continuity.S69J8340S69J8350BrBStarting system